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About the Event

The City Council will hold a Budget Public Hearing on Monday, June 5, at 7:30 p.m. To see the proposed FY24 budget, watch the Mayor’s presentation, and participate in the public hearing, go to The public may also attend in person in the City Council's Chambers at Somerville City Hall (93 Highland Ave.)



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About the Event

The Mayor will present the FY24 budget to the City Council on Thursday, June 1, at 7 p.m. The City Council will hold a Budget Public Hearing on Monday, June 5, at 7:30 p.m. To see the proposed FY24 budget, watch the Mayor’s presentation, and participate in the public hearing, go to The public may also attend in person in the City Council's Chambers at Somerville City Hall (93 Highland Ave.)



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Upcoming Events

About the Event

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this public meeting will be conducted via remote participation.



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Join the City of Somerville’s Pride Flag Raising at the City Hall Concourse

Program begins June 1 at 5 p.m.

Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and the Somerville Schools GSA invite all community members to honor LGBTQ+ Pride Month by joining the annual Pride flag raising ceremony on Thursday, June 1, 2023. The ceremony will begin at 5 p.m. on the City Hall Concourse and include remarks from Mayor Ballantyne, City of Somerville LGBTQ+ Liaison Izzy Starr, and representatives from the John F. Kennedy School GSA.

About the Event

All interested community members are invited to attend and speak at the Budget Public Hearing before the Somerville City Council’s Committee on Finance for public input on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024 municipal budget. 



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Upcoming Events

City of Somerville FY24 Budget Public Hearing, June 5

All interested community members are invited to attend and speak at the Budget Public Hearing before the Somerville City Council’s Committee on Finance on Monday, June 5, at 7:30 p.m. for public input on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024 municipal budget

This meeting will be conducted via remote participation on Zoom. Spanish and Portuguese interpretation will be provided.  

There are two ways to participate: 

Somerville Achieves AAA Bond Rating: City Garners Highest Long-Term Debt Rating from S&P Global Ratings

Mayor Katjana Ballantyne is proud to announce that the City of Somerville has been awarded the highest long-term debt rating of 'AAA' from S&P Global Ratings, a municipal bond credit rating agency, solidifying the City’s financial stability and creditworthiness. The upgraded rating, which benefits residents by lowering the City’s borrowing costs, reflects more than 20 years of prudent financial management, strong economic growth, and commitment to fiscal responsibility from both the current and previous Mayoral administrations.

About the Event

These meetings are open to the public and all are welcome.



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Upcoming Events

Mayor Katjana Ballantyne Submits Somerville’s FY24 Budget

Proposed budget delivers major investments in youth, affordability, and infrastructure, with equity and sustainability at the core

Mayor Katjana Ballantyne today submitted Somerville’s Fiscal Year 2024 budget proposal, directing $337.4 million toward key investments in the provision of City services and programs and the advancement of community priorities.

Somerville Residents: Help Stop Black Swallow-Wort This Summer

Invasive Species Displaces Native Plants and is Toxic to Butterflies and Deer

The City of Somerville is partnering with community groups to raise awareness about black swallow-wort (BSW), a very aggressive and invasive, non-native weed that can be found throughout Somerville.

Why Black Swallow-Wort Is Unwelcome in Somerville

BSW displaces native plants and habitats, threatens butterflies and songbirds, and is toxic to deer. 

It is especially harmful to the monarch butterfly population because it resembles milkweed, where monarchs lay their eggs, and once the monarch larvae hatch, they die from eating the toxic BSW leaves.

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