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Public Records Requests

City of Somerville

In accordance with G.L. c. 66, § 6A and 950 CMR 32.00, requests for public records will be overseen by each city or town’s Records Access Officer. The City Solicitor has been designated as the City of Somerville's Records Access Officer. Her contact information is as follows:

Cynthia Amara
City Solicitor
City Hall, 93 Highland Ave.
Somerville, MA 02143

Phone: (617) 625-6600 x4400

Somerville Public Schools

In accordance with G.L. c. 66, § 6A and 950 CMR 32.00, Dr. Rubén Carmona has been designated as the Somerville Public Schools' Records Access Officer. His contact information is as follows:

Dr. Rubén Carmona
Superintendent of Schools
167 Holland St.
Somerville, MA 02144

Phone: (617) 629-5211
AND email a copy to: 

Somerville Retirement System

In accordance with G.L. c. 66, § 6A and 950 CMR 32.00, Michael Pasquariello has been designated as the Somerville Retirement System's Records Access Officer. His contact information is as follows:

Michael Pasquariello
Executive Director of Retirement
323 Broadway
Somerville, MA 02145

Phone: (617) 764-3811

The Retirement Board falls within the definition of a municipality under the Massachusetts Public Records Law and is subject to that law as it applies to municipalities. The SRB Office maintains a variety of public records related to the Somerville Retirement System and its members.

The RAO will permit the inspection of or furnish a copy of a formally requested (orally or in writing) public record within 10 business days. Business days include Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays and days when the SRB Office is closed due to weather, emergency or other unexpected events. Calculation of time will be made pursuant to 950 C.M.R. 32.03. The RAO may petition the Supervisor of Public Records for an extension if unable to grant access in this time period.

The RAO will provide public records to a requestor in an electronic format unless the record is not available in such format or the requestor does not have the ability to receive or access the records in a usable electronic format.

If paper records are to be provided, the SRB will charge a fee of $0.05 (5 cents) per page for black and white paper copies or computer printouts (both single and double sided sheets). Any response to a public records request that requires more than 2 hours will be assessed a fee of $25.00 per hour. The RAO will provide a fee estimate in advance of beginning work on production of requested documents.

Information generally excluded from Massachusetts Public Records Law production requirements includes but is not limited to the following: The home address, telephone number, personal e-mail address of public employees/retirees and their families and the home address, telephone number, personal email address, or place of employment or education of victims of adjudicated crimes and of victims of domestic violence.

The SRB complies with 840 CMR 6.00 Standard Rules for Disclosure of Information.

If the SRB fails to comply with a request for public records, the requestor may file an appeal with the Massachusetts Supervisor of Public Records.

Programs & Initiatives

The Somerville Office of Emergency Management and the Somerville LEPC work collaboratively with all town public safety agencies to maintain the required levels of preparedness and response to potential hazardous material incidents.
The Safety Division of the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) provides guidance on safety requirements for building projects in Somerville.

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