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September 2021

**Invasive pest alert**

Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula)

If seen, please report:

Take a photo, if possible

Look for the following life stages:

Submitting a Memorialization Request

Interested in submitting a candidate to be reviewed by the Memorialization Committee, please email with information about the person and their contributions to Somerville. Please note that The commission shall utilize the following criteria when determining whether an individual shall be honored:


Somerville City Council Special Committee on Charter Review Public Hearing, Wednesday, 12/7/22

The Somerville City Council Special Committee on Charter Review will hold a virtual (online) public hearing on the City of Somerville Charter Review process on Wednesday, December 7, starting at 6 p.m. There are two ways residents can submit testimony and be heard: 


The City of Somerville is committed to eliminating institutional and structural racism and its intersections with other forms of oppression. The work of the RSJ Department has prioritized five key areas:


Traffic Board members are volunteers who live in Somerville:

  • Arah Schuur, Chair
  • Alex Epstein
  • Joan Liu


Filing a Petition

A petition of a Traffic Commission proposal or decision must include the names, addresses, and signatures of a minimum of 50 registered voters of the city.  


  • Colin Zeigler, Inspectional Services Rep.
  • Karin Carroll, Health and Human Services Rep.
  • Elyse Belarge, Office of Sustainability and Environment Rep.
  • William Hallinan, Fire Department Rep.
  • Rachel Nadkarni, OSPCD Rep.
  • Alex Vira, Community Rep. 
  • Francine Rogers, Academic expert
  • Michael Switkes, Community Rep.

Meetings, Agendas, & Minutes

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A description of the issue (if any)
A link to the affected pages

Thank you for your feedback!