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City Council Announces Survey & Community Meeting (3/24) on Civilian Oversight of Police

The Somerville City Council invites you to join a virtual community meeting on Civilian Oversight of Police and also to take our survey about civilian oversight: 

Message from Mayor Curtatone on the One-Year Anniversary of the COVID-19 State of Emergency

Dear Community Member,

Today marks one year since the COVID-19 state of emergency was declared in Massachusetts. The past year has been undeniably difficult. We’ve lost 75 people in Somerville to COVID-19 and still more are suffering long-term effects of the disease. Many have also experienced financial and social losses in the past 12 months.

Somerville Condominium Review Board Seeks Two Members

Open Positions: One position for a Somerville homeowner and one alternate position
Term: Three years
Compensation: $300 monthly
Availability: Immediate

The City of Somerville seeks two residents to fill vacancies on the City’s Condominium Review Board.

Somerville DPW Yard Reopening for Contactless Waste Drop-Off

Starting Monday, March 15, Somerville residents can once again drop off select waste items at the DPW Yard at 1 Franey Road. Yard waste, electronic waste, and tires will be accepted. Note that yard waste cannot be in plastic bags.

Residents may drop off eligible items weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. or between 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Proof of residency, such as a driver's license or utility bill, is required and must be presented at the guard shack. Drop-off will be open to residents only, not contractors. The City reserves the right to refuse drop-off for any reason.

Somerville Remains in Limited Phase 3, Step 1 Reopening; Capacity Limits Stay Status Quo

Easing of outdoor performance restrictions expected

The City of Somerville is remaining in reopening Phase 3, Step 1 until at least March 30 and capacity limits in Somerville businesses will remain at 25% or the limit set in the business’s City-approved health and safety plan until further notice.

Conway Field Safety & Construction Public Meeting, March 24

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Ward 2 City Councilor J.T. Scott, and City staff invite you to a virtual public meeting to discuss remediation at Conway Field. Representatives from the EPA and DEP will detail the site cleanup plans, safety precautions, and construction and address any questions or concerns.

City of Somerville Seeks Members for Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, & Urban Design Commission

The City of Somerville is seeking to fill vacancies on essential boards and commissions appointed by the Mayor and coordinated by the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development. Boards and commissions offer an opportunity for community members with a range of experience, skills, expertise, and perspectives to share their talents and insights with their community.

Applications for the following positions will be accepted through Friday, March 26.

Virtual Meeting to Discuss Proposed Somerville Public Safety Building Project, March 31

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Ward 1 City Councilor Matt McLaughlin, Ward 2 City Councilor J.T. Scott, and City staff invite you to a virtual community meeting to introduce the Public Safety Building Project. The meeting will take place Wednesday, March 31, at 6 p.m.

The Public Safety Building Project will provide new facilities for the Somerville Police Department’s Headquarters and the Somerville Fire Department’s Engine 3 at 90 Washington Street in East Somerville, as well as space for additional civic, residential, and/or commercial functions.

Joint Statement on Atlanta Shootings

Mayor Joe Curtatone, City Council President Matt McLaughlin, School Committee Chair Andre Green, Superintendent Mary Skipper

On Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia, a shooting rampage at area spas left eight people dead, six of whom were women of Asian descent. This tragedy is emblematic of an unacceptable cruelty taking root in our society and serves as further evidence of the blatant racism in our country designed to oppress our neighbors, friends and community members. Hate crimes against Asians and Asian Americans in major U.S. cities rose by 150% last year, and within that number, women have been disproportionately targeted.

Full Vaccine Schedule Released; People 60+ and Some Workers Eligible 3/22

The State has announced when all remaining groups will be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

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