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Bid Number Title Opening Date Sort ascending Bid Package File Addendum Bid Results Awarded To
IFB 15-29 Sewer Bricks & Supplies IFB 15-29 Sewer Bricks & Supplies.pdf
IFB 15-30 Sewer pipes and Supplies IFB 15-30 Sewer Pipes & Supplies.pdf
RFP 15-39 Mobility Plan Consultancy RFP 15-39 Mobility Plan Consultancy.pdf IFB 15-39_Addendum 1, Change In Due Dates.pdf , IFB 15-39_Addendum 2, Answers to Questions.pdf
RFP 15-40 Modular Construction - Living Quarters for Fire Station "Engine 3" RFP 15-40 Modular Construction.pdf Addendum No 1- RFP 15-40.pdf RFP 15-40 Notice of Rejection of All Proposals.pdf
IFB 15-32 2014 or newer Ford E-350 Super Duty Box Van IFB 15-32, Ford Super Duty Box van.pdf Addendum 1, IFB 15-32 Ford Box Truck.pdf
IFB 15-22 Custodial Supplies IFB 15-22 - Custodial Supplies Bid Pkg.pdf Addendum 1.pdf
RFP 15-35 Landscape Design Services, Lincoln Park RFP 15-35_Landscape Design Services, Lincoln Park.pdf RFP 15-35_Addendum 1, Answers to Questions_Lincoln Park.pdf
IFB 15-38 Solar Powered Trash and Recycling Receptacles IFB 15-38, Solar Powered Trash and Recycling Receptacles_Final.pdf RFP 15-38_Addendum 1, Answers to Questions_0.pdf
IFB 15-33 Renovation of Marshall Street Park IFB 15-33-Marshall Street Park Final.pdf Addendum No 1 - IFB 15-33.pdf Bid Results IFB 15-33 Marshall St Park.pdf
IFB 15-23 Repairs to bombardier sidewalk snow plow IFB 15-23 Repairs to Bombardier Machine.pdf

Programs & Initiatives

We're addressing excessive use of force and systemic racism at all levels so that we can equitably serve our entire community.
Members will develop a recommendation to the Mayor on both the location and scope of a renovated or new school to meet the needs of the Winter Hill Community Innovation School and potentially the Benjamin G. Brown School.

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