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Bid Number Title Opening Date Sort ascending Bid Package File Addendum Bid Results Awarded To
BID# S2026-02 BID# S2026-02 Curriculum Materials: Textbooks and Other Materials
RFP# S2026-01 RFP# S2026-01 Afterschool Enrichment Program
IFB 25-48 IFB 25-48 Ash Tree Treatment IFB 25-48 Ash Tree Treatment.pdf Addendum 1 Bid Opening Form IFB 25-48.pdf
REBID #S2025-03 REBID #S2025-03 Anatomage Table
IFB-25-52 IFB 25-52 Sidewalk Repairs for the City IFB 25-52 Sidewalk Repairs for the City.pdf , IFB 25-52 Sidewalk Repairs for the City Plan Holders 3.18.2025.pdf Bid Opening and Itemized Results IFB 25-52 Sidewalk Repairs for the City.pdf
RFP 25-43 RFP 25-43 Fully Automated Healthcare Kiosks RFP 25-43 Fully Automated Healthcare Kiosks_Final.pdf
IFB 25-41 IFB 25-41 Central Hill Campus Korean and Vietnam Memorial Installation IFB 25-41 Central Hill Campus Korean & Vietnam Memorial Installation.pdf , Bid Holder's List_IFB 25-41_3.6.25.pdf , Pre-Bid Sign in Sheet_IFB 25-41.pdf Addendum 1_Q and A Bid Opening Form IFB 25-41.pdf
RFS 25-50 RFS 25-50 OPM Services - New PreK-8 School (WHCIS) RFS 25-50 OPM Services Winter Hill Community Innovation School.pdf , RFS 25-50 Site Visit Attendees Sign-in.pdf RFS 25-50_Addendum1_OPM Svcs New PreK-8 School.pdf
IFB 25-47 IFB 25-47 FY 2025 West Broadway Complete Streets Project IFB_25-47_FY2025_West_Broadway_Complete_Streets_Project.pdf , IFB 25-47 2025 Street Resurfacing Bidder list.pdf Addendum 1 updated , Addendum 2 IFB 25-47 BID OPENING FORM.pdf Under evaluation
IFB 25-51 IFB 25-51 Security Monitoring for Schools and City Buildings IFB 25-51 Security Monitoring for Schools and City Buildings.pdf Addendum#1_Q&A, DCAMM Changes , Addendum#1 Attachment: Revised Bid Package with updated DCAMM Category

Programs & Initiatives

The Somerville Office of Emergency Management and the Somerville LEPC work collaboratively with all town public safety agencies to maintain the required levels of preparedness and response to potential hazardous material incidents.
The Safety Division of the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) provides guidance on safety requirements for building projects in Somerville.

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