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Closed Bids

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Bid Number Title Opening Date Sort ascending Bid Package File Addendum Bid Results Awarded To
RFI 19-41 Concessions at the Veterans Memorial Ice Rink RFI 19-41 Concessions at the Ice Rink_Final.pdf
RFP 19-43 GLX Community Bus Shuttle Services RFP 19-43 GLX Community Bus Shuttle Services.pdf Addendum No 1-RFP 19-43 GLX Bus Shuttle Services.pdf BID RESULTS - RFP 19-43 GLX Bus Shuttle Services.pdf DPV Transportation
IFB 19-44 IFB 19-44 Burglar Alarm Maintenance and Monitoring in City Buildings IFB 19-44 Burglar Alarm Maintenance-Monitoring Bid Package_0.pdf , Bidholders List_20.pdf
Request for Sponsors Financial Sponsors for BSchool: Cambridge & Somerville Small Business School Request for Sponsors - Somerville bSchool_0.pdf
RFP #19-22 REBID 31 Tufts Street - Property Disposition and Redevelopment 31 Tufts RFP 19-22 REBID Property Disposition and Redevelopment.pdf UNDER EVALUATION
IFB 19-42 Fire Hydrants & Related Parts IFB 19-42 Fire Hydrants and Related Parts.pdf , Price Form Fire Hydrants and Related Parts.xlsx Bid Results - IFB19-42 Fire Hydrants.pdf
IFB 19-35 West Branch Library Renovation Pre-Bid Attendees - IFB 19-35 West Branch Library_10-26-18.pdf , Filed Sub Bid RESULTS - IFB 19-35 West Branch Library.pdf Filed Sub Bid RESULTS - IFB 19-35 West Branch Library_0.pdf UNDER EVALUATION
RFQ 19-39 Spring Hill Sewer Separation Engineering Services RFQ 19-39 Spring Hill Sewer Separation Engineering Services.pdf UNDER EVALUATION
RFQ 19-40 Marginal Combined Sewer Rehabilitation Design Services RFQ 19-40 Marginal Combined Sewer Design Services.pdf Addendum No 1-RFQ 19-40 Marginal Combined Sewer Design Services.pdf UNDER EVALUATION
REBID IFB#19-29 Snow Hauling and Snow Storage REBID- IFB19-29 Snow hauling and Snow dumping.pdf REBID IFB19-29 Addendum 1.pdf , REBID IFB 19-29 Addendum 2.pdf REBID IFB 19-29 Results.pdf Northgate Recycling, Inc.

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