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Bid Number Title Opening Date Sort ascending Bid Package File Addendum Bid Results Awarded To
IFB#20-66 CCTV Inspection under Sewer System Evaluation Study Somerville IFB20-66 CCTV Inspection under SSES Projects.pdf Memo Overlooked Bids IFB 20-66.pdf Bid Results for IFB20-66 CCTV Inspection under SSES projects.pdf Rapid Flow Inc.
BID #S2021-01 BID #S2021-01 School Bus Transportation Services Addendum 2 to S2021-01.pdf
REBID IFB#20-65 Management of Catchbasin and Sewer Grit Material Somerville IFB20-65 Management of Catchbasin and sewer grit_0.pdf , Additional Bid Submission Instructions_0.pdf Addendum 1 IFB20-65.pdf No bids received- Rebid posted.
IFB#20-52 Portable Restrooms for the City Somerville IFB20-52 Portable Restrooms for the City.pdf , Additional Bid Submission Instructions.pdf Bid Results IFB20-52 Portable Restroom For the City.pdf Throne Depot
Request for Quotes 2020-37 Personal Protective Equipment for COVID19 Somerville MA Quote request 2020-37 for PPE.pdf UNDER EVALUATION
IFB 20-59 IFB 20-59 Central Hill Playground Construction IFB 20-59_ConstructionCentralHillPlayground.pdf , CHCP Playground_CD plans_200220.pdf , IFB 20-59_Addendum2_Supplement_Central Hill Playground Construction_0.pdf IFB 20-59_Addendum1_General Bid Deadline Extension.pdf , IFB 20-59_Addendum2_Central Hill Playground Construction_0.pdf , IFB 20-59_Addendum3_Central Hill Playground Construction.pdf IFB20-59 Bid Opening Form.pdf , IFB20-59 Unit Prices.pdf J. J. Phelan and Son Co., Inc.
IFB#20-64 IFB#20-64 Traffic & Parking Fleet Vehicles FY20 IFB20-64 FY20 Traffic & Parking Fleet Vehicles.pdf Somerville Addendum 1 - IFB20-64 FY20 Traffic & Parking Fleet Vehicle.pdf Somerville- Notice of Cancellation IFB 20-64 FY20 Traffic & Parking Fleet Vehicles.pdf Bid solicitation is cancelled.
IFB#20-67 IFB#20-67 Fertilization, Weed and Insect control of Parks, Islands and Athletic Field IFB 20-67 Fertilization Weed and Insect Control.pdf Somerville Addendum 1 - IFB20-67 Fertilization weed and insect control updated.pdf , Somerville Addendum 2- IFB20-67 Fertilization & Weed.pdf , Somerville Addendum 3 - IFB20-67 Fertilization weed and insect control.pdf Bid Results IFB20-67.pdf Natural Tree & Lawncare
IFB 20-68 FY2020 Street Resurfacing Package IFB 20-68 2020 Street Resurfacing Project_0.pdf Somerville Addendum 1 - IFB20-68 Street Resurfacing Project.pdf Somerville- Notice of Cancellation IFB 20-68 Street Resurfacing Project.pdf Cancellation
IFB#20-71 IFB#20-71 Street Sweeping Services for the City Somerville IFB20-71 Street Sweeping Services.pdf Bid Results- IFB20-71 Street Sweeping Services updated.pdf , Millennium Power Co.pdf , American Sweeping Co - updated pricing.pdf Millennium Power sweeping

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