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Somerville Ave. Utility and Streetscape Improvements Project

Updates & Alerts


Updated 6/7/2023

Overnight Paving Notice: Somerville Ave. and Medford St. Intersection

Weather permitting, City contractors will pave the intersection of Medford St. and Somerville Ave (Mansfield Street to McGrath Hwy) overnight this Friday, June 9, beginning at 8 p.m. 

  • Lanes shifts will be in place, but travel will be maintained. 
    • Please follow directions of on-site detail officers and proceed with caution.
  • MBTA bus service will not be affected.

This is the final paving required for this project.

Please email or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400 with questions.

Thank you



Updated 2/15/2023

Detour Notice: Somerville Ave. Westbound Inaccessible from Medford St.

Starting on or around 2/16, City contractors will be implementing a new work zone at the northwestern corner of the Medford St./Somerville Ave. intersection in order to install the final sections of culvert installation.

  • Traffic traveling on Medford St. to Somerville Ave. westbound will be rerouted via Washington St.
  • Pedestrian access to Somerville Ave westbound from Medford St. will be maintained via the southern sidewalk. Cyclists should observe Washington St. detour.
  • MBTA bus route 87 will offer modified service. Visit for details.
  • Weather permitting, this detour is expect to be in place for approximately two months.
Map of Detour showing traffic being rerouted down Washington St.

Updated 5/23/2021

  • New raised crosswalks were installed this past week at Mansfield St.Rossmore St., and Merriam St. south, where each intersects with Somerville Ave. During the week of May 24, raised crosswalks will be installed at Merriam St. north, Linden St., and Allen St.
  • You may be wondering: How much longer? As of now, this project is expected to be substantially complete from Union Square to approximately Mansfield St. by this fall. Major work remaining includes paving the cycle tracks, milling and paving the roadway, installing final pavement markings, and installing all new signage.
  • The current eastbound detour on Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Medford St. is expected to remain in place through the summer to support final streetscape work and outstanding Eversource electric work related to Boynton Yards.
  • The project area from approximately Mansfield St. to Poplar St. is expected to be substantially complete next spring. The final portion of the large box culvert drainage infrastructure will be installed in this section.

Updated 5/2/2021

  • Porous paver installation is ongoing on the south side of Somerville Ave. progressing from Target toward Merriam St. Next, masons will install granite cobblestone in Union Square Plaza between the Somerville Ave. @ Stone Ave. bus shelter and the Somerville Media Center building.
  • Sidewalk construction is complete between Merriam St. and Prospect St. Now crews will pave driveway aprons and install tree planters and green infrastructure in the same section.
  • Tree planting is underway throughout the site and will continue for approximately one month.
  • Irrigation crews are following the planting to install drip lines and watering pipe.
  • Roadway resurfacing is also in the forecast in the next month or so, roughly from Warren Ave. to Prospect St. More details to come as they're finalized.

Updated 4/20/2021

  • Masons are installing porous pavers on the south side of Somerville Ave. in front of the Target parking lot, working west towards Merriam St. Irrigation lines are also being installed in the same stretch.
  • Concrete will be placed for new sidewalks on the southwest corner of Prospect St. and Somerville Ave. during the week of April 19, which may require closing the Dunkin’ Donuts entrance on Somerville Ave. for a few days. When that's complete, concrete placement will continue between Merriam St. and Linden St.
  • Electrical conduit and foundations have been installed for the pedestrian signal push buttons at Linden St. and Prospect St.
  • Granite curb is being reset near the Bow St. / Somerville Ave. intersection, and tactile panels are being installed at the nose of the traffic island on Washington St. in front of St. Joseph's church.
  • Looking further ahead, additional work expected to begin in the coming weeks includes planting trees, installing cobble stones in Union Square Plaza at the mid-block crossing, and placing porous asphalt for the new cycle tracks.

Updated 4/4/2021

  • On the north side of Somerville Ave., crews have been installing porous pavers around the new bike racks east of Prospect St. They'll continue on the south side next, starting in front of the Target parking lot.
  • On the south side of Somerville Ave., bike rack installation and other site furnishing is ongoing between Medford St. and Merriam St.
  • Sidewalk removal is underway on the south side of Somerville Ave. between Linden St. and Allen St., progressing toward Prospect St.

Updated 3/20/2021

  • Most work is focused on the south side of Somerville Ave. between Target and Merriam St. Crews are cleaning and preparing the area to install tree planters, permeable sidewalk pavers, and the cycle track.
  • If you're on Twitter, consider following the new Infrastructure & Asset Management account to see several weekly dispatches from this site and other construction news in your feed.

Updated 3/6/2021

  • After demobilizing for several weeks during winter conditions, City contractors plan to return during the week of March 8 to install bike racks on the north side of Somerville Ave., starting in Union Square Plaza, and to repair curbs west of Prospect St. In following weeks, work will resume on tree planters and pavers.
  • Eversource subcontractors are working at the intersection of Prospect St. and Somerville Ave., not for this project but within its work zone. This has required some additional traffic diversions during daytime hours, but they're expected to wrap up this coming week.

Updated 1/11/2021


  • The existing detour on Somerville Ave. eastbound is now expected to remain in place through the spring to support Eversource work between Medford St. and Prospect St. Eversource plans to install new conduits and electrical manholes starting in late January and continuing for approximately six weeks. 
  • Much of the remaining streetscape work for this project requires warmer temperatures, so most other operations are on hold until the spring.

Updated 12/11/2020

  • Ongoing work continues to be focused on the south side of Somerville Ave. between Target and Prospect St. 
  • New sidewalks have been placed up to Merriam St., and most irrigation infrastructure has been installed up to Allen St. Work will continue on planters up to Linden St.
  • Construction of the cycle track detail along the south side of Somerville Ave. will continue, and street lighting installation throughout the site is ongoing.

Updated 11/20/2020

  • Sidewalk work continues on the south side of Somerville Ave. Concrete placement will progress from Target to Merriam St., then existing sidewalks will be excavated from Merriam St. to Linden St. 
  • Crews are constructing stormwater planters between Linden St. and Allen St. 
  • Weather permitting, sewer rehabilitation is planned Tuesday, November 24, 7 a.m.-7 p.m., on the south side of Somerville Ave. between Target and Merriam St. Contractors will use a method called cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) lining, which allows them to rehab the pipe without excavation. Note that this work may produce a noticeable odor in the area. Here’s a 43 second video explaining the process.
  • The Somerville Ave. at Merriam St. (south side) intersection will also be closed Tuesday to support the CIPP lining operation. During this closure, Merriam St. will be converted into a two-way traffic configuration with access and egress provided via Charlestown St.

Updated 11/6/2020

  • On the north side of Somerville Ave., porous paver installation continues just east of Prospect St. in front of Fred M. Susan.
  • On the south side, green infrastructure installation continues under the sidewalk on Somerville Ave. between Medford St. and Merriam St. Sidewalks will be closed up after those structures and other utilities are in place. The first concrete placement is planned for next week near Target.

Updated 10/23/2020

  • Porous pavers continue to be installed along the north side of Somerville Ave. Work has progressed to Mansfield St., then will shift to the areas around Somerville Media Center, Ricky's, and Fred M. Susan. 
  • On the south side of Somerville Ave., sidewalk work will begin in earnest, starting near Target and progressing toward Prospect St. Throughout the fall, sidewalks will be excavated, utilities and green infrastructure will be installed, then sidewalks will be reconstructed.

Updated 10/11/2020

  • Full-depth roadway reconstruction has begun on the south side of Somerville Ave. from Medford St. progressing toward Prospect St., with various utility work at the side street intersections. This stretch is expected to be paved later this month.
  • Porous pavers continue to be installed along the north side of Somerville Ave. between Rossmore St. and Mansfield St.
  • Bioretention basins, which will remove a variety of pollutants from stormwater, are substantially complete. Pictured is one at Rossmore St. The final layer of bioretention soil will be installed in the spring. The basins, stormwater tree pits, and planters will be covered with temporary mulch for the winter.

Updated 9/20/2020

  • Washington St. is expected to reopen to through traffic at Somerville Ave. on or around Thursday, September 24.
  • Shortly thereafter, Somerville Ave. will revert to one-way westbound between Prospect St. and Medford St. for approximately two months. Eastbound traffic will be diverted via Washington St. and Medford St. Click here for a detour map.
  • Bus users: The 87 Inbound bus will offer modified service between Prospect St. and Medford St. See the bus detour map here.
  • With the major work on the north side of Somerville Ave. completed, crews will move to the south side, progressing from Medford St. to Allen St. through the fall. They'll excavate sidewalks; install new drainage, irrigation, and lighting infrastructure; then rebuild the sidewalks.
  • On the north side of Somerville Ave., finish work is ongoing. Porous paver installation and cycle track prep work continues east toward Merriam St. Granite cobbles will be installed from the Somerville Media Center to the Plaza.

Updated 9/5/2020

  • Porous pavers are being installed on the south side of Somerville Ave. just west of Prospect St.
  • The Washington St. / Prospect St. work zone will be paved after Labor Day. Following paving, crews will reconstruct sidewalks, install curbing, and reinstall permanent traffic signals. As of now, it's anticipated the intersection will reopen to traffic by the end of the month.
  • East of Prospect St., installation of Silva Cells and construction of bioretention basins is progressing on the north side of Somerville Ave. Daytime closures of Rossmore St. may be required.

Updated 8/23/2020

  • Within the Washington St. / Prospect St. work zone, crews have completed installing this section of the box culvert stormwater management system, as well as a communications duct bank and street lighting infrastructure. Now crews are installing a new water main and additional drainage in front of Ricky's. Once utility work is complete, this work zone will be repaved and reopened to through traffic.
  • Final streetscape work is ongoing on the north side of Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Mansfield St. Steel edging will be installed on the concrete tree planter footings in preparation for cycle track and porous paver installation.
  • Streetscape and roadway reconstruction along the south side of Somerville Ave. will begin once the north side is complete. The current plan is to begin work near Medford St. and progress toward Prospect St.

Updated 7/24/2020

  • Reconstruction of the north side of the mid-block elevated crosswalk has been completed.
  • Sidewalk and streetscape work continues along the north side of Somerville Ave. Crews are installing green infrastructure and lighting conduit, then backfilling and placing new sidewalks east of Merriam St. progressing toward Mansfield St.
  • Excavation is continuing in the Prospect St. / Washington St. work zone. Crews have reconstructed the sewer and begun installing the first sections of the box culvert stormwater management system in this location.

Updated 7/12/2020

  • Crews are constructing an elevated crosswalk at the mid-block crossing adjacent to Mandarin restaurant. The crosswalk will be double wide, to allow pedestrians on one side and bikes on the other, and will improve visibility to motorists.
  • Curb installation for new sidewalks and a separated, elevated bike lane will be taking place along the north side of Somerville Ave., between the mid-block crossing and Prospect St. These separated, elevated bike lanes will ultimately be installed nearly all the way to Medford St. Almost all of these separated bike lanes will be constructed out of porous pavement that allows stormwater to drain through.
  • Excavation is underway within the Prospect St. / Washington St. work zone. East of Prospect St., sidewalk excavation and green infrastructure installation continues, progressing toward Mansfield St.

Updated 6/9/2020

  • The detour described below is now expected to begin on or around June 22. 

Updated 5/31/2020

  • The next detour is on the horizon. On or around June 15, for approximately four months, contractors will establish a work zone at the Somerville Ave. / Prospect St. / Washington St. intersection, near Somerville Media Center and Ricky's Flower Market.
  • Two-way traffic on Somerville Ave. will be maintained. Northbound traffic on Prospect St. and southbound traffic on Washington St. will be diverted via Somerville Ave. and Medford St. Parking lots will remain accessible. Detour maps and more details to follow next week.
  • During the week of June 1, contractors plan to place concrete for new sidewalks on Somervillle Ave. between Warren Ave. and Stone Ave., and between Webster Ave. and Prospect St.
  • Surface restoration work in Union Square Plaza is also planned throughout the week (expected to be complete before the farmers' market).
  • Granite curb installation has progressed along the north side of Somerville Ave. to Rossmore St. and will continue east toward Medford St.

Updated 5/15/2020

  • Construction activity is expected to resume Tuesday, May 19. Pedestrians will be detoured around work zones where appropriate to maintain social distance.
  • Curb installation is planned on Somerville Ave between Stone Ave. and the midblock crossing, and between Merriam St. and Mansfield St.
  • Contractors plan to excavate sidewalk to install Silva Cell stormwater management systems, lighting conduit, and irrigation between Webster Ave. and Prospect St., and between Prospect St. and Merriam St.
  • MBTA bus route 87 Inbound is expected to revert back to its previous diversion (up Washington St., south on Medford St., back to Somerville Ave.) on Tuesday, May 19. Please note posted signage.

Updated 3/6/2020

  • During the week of March 9, contractors will begin street restoration on Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Medford St., requiring parking restrictions and lane shifts.
  • A water service interruption is planned for residents of #200-#216 Somerville Ave. on Tuesday, March 10, approximately 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The shutdown is required to install a new section of water main. If schedules change, residents will be notified through the City's alert system.
  • Crews plan to drill large metal sheets and support of excavation into the ground in preparation for installing a new sewer in the Somerville Ave. McGrath Hwy intersection.
  • On the south side of Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Prospect St., new lighting and irrigation conduit will be installed.

Updated 2/14/2020

  • On or around Tuesday and Wednesday, February 18 and 19, during daytime work hours, Merriam St. abutters may need to enter and exit via Washington St. while crews install new drainage structures and pipes on the north side of Somerville Ave. at the Merriam St. intersection.
  • Contractors may be drilling test pits near the Somerville Ave. / Medford St. intersection.
  • Mansfield St. abutters should continue to enter and exit via Washington St. while contractors install additional drainage and a communications duct bank at the Somerville Ave. / Mansfield St. intersection.

Updated 1/31/2020

  • Drainage installation continues on the north side of Somerville Ave. at Rossmore St. and will progress toward Mansfield St. These structures will connect to the 800,000 gallon stormwater box culvert.
  • Installation of said culvert continues east on Somerville Ave. from Mansfield St. toward Medford St.
  • Neighbors on Rossmore St. and Mansfield St. should continue to enter and exit via Washington St.

Updated 1/10/2020

  • Restoration work continues in Union Square: Pavement markings are expected to be applied overnight Friday, January 10. A new traffic signal will be installed in the island across from Reliable Market within the next few weeks, and once it's activated and sequenced, traffic will be permitted to proceed northbound from Webster Ave. to Bow St.
  • MBTA bus service at the Somerville Ave. @ Prospect St. stop is expected to be restored in the near future, with Rt. 86 Outbound and Rt. 87 Inbound resuming service at this location. Service at the 34 Prospect St. bus stop will continue serving Rt. 85 Outbound, Rt. 91 Outbound, and Rt. CT2 Outbound. The MBTA will post service advisories onsite and on their website
  • On or around Monday, January 13, contractors plan to establish a work zone at the Somerville Ave. / Rossmore St. intersection for approximately one month to install the next section of the box culvert drainage system. While that intersection is closed, traffic should enter and exit Rossmore St. via Washington St.

Updated 12/20/2019

  • Contractors paved the roadway between Bow St., Webster Ave., and Stone Ave. to an interim condition. Pavement markings may be applied during the week of December 23.
  • The Somerville Ave. / Stone Ave. intersection is expected to reopen by the end of the day Friday, December 20. Traffic on Stone Ave. will revert to one-way, from Union Sq. to Columbus Ave.
  • Crews plan to continue installing support of excavation at the Somerville Ave. / Merriam St. intersection near the Public Safety Building prior to installing the next section of the large box culvert drainage system at that location.

Updated 12/13/2019

  • Starting Monday, December 16, for approximately four days, City contractors will work to restore the roadway in the heart of Union Sq., between Webster Ave., Bow St., and Stone Ave. 
  • The following traffic diversions for motorists and cyclists will be in effect day and night throughout the week until restoration has been completed (work activity is expected during daytime hours only):
    • Westbound traffic on Somerville Ave. will be directed onto Washington St., then right onto Dane St.
    • Eastbound traffic on Somerville Ave. and Washington St. will continue to be diverted onto Webster Ave., then left onto Prospect St.
    • Northbound traffic on Webster Ave. will continue to be diverted left onto Washington St., then right onto Dane St.
  • The MBTA will post service advisories at affected stops on routes 85 and 87 outbound.
  • Police details will be onsite for the duration of this mobilization. 

Updated 12/6/2019

  • At Stone Ave., crews have finished installing that portion of the large box culvert drainage system; installation of communications duct banks and conduit for traffic signals and street lights will follow. They hope to have that area restored by the end of the month.
  • On the south side of Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Prospect St., crews will continue installing new granite curbing and catch basins. Two-way traffic is expected to be maintained, but eastbound traffic may be diverted if required for safety.
  • On the north side of Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Merriam St., crews are "shimming" the new pavement to meet the old.
  • Between Merriam St. and Rossmore St., crews plan to drive large metal sheets into the ground in advance of future work there.
  • From Rossmore St. toward McGrath, contractors will dig trenches, requiring daytime closures at the Somerville Ave. / Mansfield St. intersection. During closures, Mansfield St. can be accessed via Washington St.

Updated 11/22/2019

  • From Friday, November 22, through approximately Wednesday, November 27, Somerville Ave. is expected to remain one-way (westbound only) around-the-clock between Webster Ave. and Prospect St.
  • During this time, crews will be prepping that section of the roadway and paving it to an interim condition.
  • At the work zone in front of Stone Ave., installation of the box culvert drainage system is nearing completion. Installation of duct banks, conduit, and some surface drainage structures will follow. Crews hope to have that area restored by the end of the year.
  • Contractors will drive large metal sheets into the ground between Merriam St. and Rossmore St. and dig trenches between Rossmore St. and Mansfield St. in advance of future work there.

Updated 11/8/2019

  • Starting as early as Tuesday, November 12, the Merriam St. / Somerville Ave. intersection (on the north side, next to the Public Safety Building) is expected to close during work hours (approx. 6:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.) for approximately one week. Abutters can enter and exit the northern section of Merriam St. via Washington St. Crews will drive large steel micropiles into the ground in advance of future work at this location.
  • Starting on or around Wednesday, November 13, for an estimated three days, Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Prospect St. is expected to close in both directions during work hours (approx. 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Both Barletta and Eversource Gas will be working in the area.
  • City contractors plan to begin installing another section of the 800,000 gallon box culvert drainage system in front of Stone Ave. For the next month or so, Stone Ave. and Stone Pl. can be accessed via Columbus Ave.
  • On Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Merriam St., contractors plan to continue restoring curbing and sidewalks and installing drainage.

Updated 11/1/2019

  • During the week of November 4, contractors plan to establish a work zone in front of Stone Ave. to continue installing the box culvert drainage system. This work zone is expected to be in place for approximately one month, although schedules are subject to change.
  • During this phase of work, Stone Ave. and Stone Pl. can be accessed via Columbus Ave. Adjacent sidewalks, crosswalks, and parking lots are expected to remain open and accessible. Head to the Detours tab for more information.
  • On the north side of Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Merriam St., contractors plan to continue restoring curbing and sidewalks.

Updated 10/25/2019

  • Weather permitting, during the week of October 28, contractors plan to install a new water main on Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Prospect St.
  • Roadway work is planned on Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Merriam St.
  • Contractors also plan to be at the Washington St. / McGrath Highway intersection, conducting urgent work required to facilitate installation and activation of another new water main on Somerville Ave.
  • Pending completion of Eversource electrical work, City contractors will begin demolishing duct banks in front of Stone Ave. in advance of installing the next portion of the box culvert drainage system.

Updated 10/18/2019

  • During the week of October 21, crews plan to work on water mains on Somerville Ave. at Mansfield St. and Medford St. If any water service interruptions are expected, those affected will be notified through the City's alert system.
  • They also plan to dig trenches on Somerville Ave. from Merriam St. east toward Medford St. in advance of future work there.
  • Work continues to restore the roadway between Prospect St. and Merriam St.

Updated 10/14/2019

  • Between Prospect St. and Merriam St., crews will continue street restoration work.
  • Between Prospect St. and Webster St., crews will install a water main. No road closures are planned, though please expect lane shifts and parking restrictions.
  • The new water main tie-in at Somerville Ave./Medford St. was postponed this week. Contractors hope to conduct this work next week, but a date is to be determined. Sign up to receive City alerts to ensure you're notified in advance.

Updated 10/4/2019

  • Although subject to change, during the week of October 7, two-way traffic is expected to be maintained on Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Prospect St., with the daytime detour continuing for eastbound traffic between Prospect St. and Medford St.
  • Additional Eversource cable-relocation work may take place near Stone Ave.
  • Contractors plan to remove duct banks and install catch basins between Stone Ave. and Prospect St.
  • Between Prospect St. and Merriam St., they plan to backfill around the recently installed drainage infrastructure and work toward restoring the roadway.
  • Crews also expect to tie in a new water main at Somerville Ave./Medford St., which may temporarily interrupt water service for some residents. Sign up to receive City alerts to ensure you're notified in advance.

Updated 9/30/2019

  • Starting potentially as early as October 2, 2019, for approximately one month (estimated), the entrance to Stone Ave. at the Bow St./Somerville Ave. intersection will close to advance construction. During this phase of construction, drivers should enter and exit Stone Ave. via Columbus Ave. Please see the Detours tab for more information.

Updated 9/13/2019

  • During the week of September 16, Eversource contractors will be on Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Prospect St. relocating underground cable. The eastbound traffic detour will remain in place from 7 a.m. Monday through 4 p.m. Wednesday (24 hours).
  • Water main tie-ins are planned on Somerville Ave.between Prospect St. and Medford St.
  • For maps and more information about current detours, please see the Detours tab of this page or the MBTA website for service advisories.

Updated 9/6/2019

  • During the week of September 9, Eversource contractors may be on Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Prospect St. relocating underground cable. Notice will be sent to abutters through the City’s alert system if overnight work is expected.
  • Water main tie-ins are planned on Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Medford St.
  • Installation of the next section of the box culvert drainage infrastructure is progressing west on the north side of Somerville Ave. between Merriam St. and Prospect St.

Updated 9/3/2019

Starting Tuesday night, September 3, and continuing weeknights for an estimated two weeks, Eversource contractors plan to relocate underground cables on Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Prospect St. Crews plan to be onsite each night until approximately 11 p.m. Minor noise is expected from idling trucks and generators.

To support this work, the daytime detour for eastbound traffic on Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Prospect St. is expected to be in effect 24/7 during the week of September 3 and the week of September 9. Two-way traffic will resume on weekends.

Updated 8/9/2019

  • Starting Monday, August 12, the current daytime detour for eastbound traffic on Somerville Ave. will be expanded: Motorists, cyclists, and MBTA buses will be directed right onto Webster Ave., left onto Prospect St., straight onto Washington St., then right onto Medford St. back to Somerville Ave.
  • Two additional bus stops on Rt. 87 Inbound will also close for the duration of this detour. In addition to the already-closed Somerville Ave. @ Prospect stop, starting August 12, the Somerville Ave. @ Linden stop and the Somerville Ave. opp. Mansfield stop will not be serviced. Temporary service will be offered at other bus stops nearby on Prospect St. and Washington St.
  • See the MBTA website for service advisories or the Detours tab this web page for maps and more information.
  • This diversion is estimated to be in place through approximately October 2019. It will enable contractors to continue installing the box culvert drainage infrastructure between Merriam St. and Prospect St.
  • Between Prospect St. and Stone Ave., crews are continuing utility work, backfilling, and working toward restoring that stretch of the roadway.

Updated 8/5/2019

  • On the north side of Somerville Ave. between Stone Ave. and Washington St., contractors have finished installing the box culvert drainage infrastructure. During the week of August 5, they'll be adjusting support-of-excavation structures and backfilling in that area.
  • Although plans may change, it's currently anticipated that the next work zone will be established on the north side of Somerville Ave. between Allen St. and Merriam St. in the coming weeks to advance installation of the box culvert infrastructure.
  • In that scenario, the current daytime detour will be expanded slightly: During work hours, eastbound traffic on Somerville Ave. will be directed right onto Webster Ave., left onto Prospect St., straight onto Washington St., then right onto McGrath Hwy.
  • More information to come as those logistics are finalized. If you live or work in the neighborhood, make sure you're enrolled in the City's alert system to be notified before changes go into effect.
  • Work to install a new water main will continue on the south side of Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Merriam St.
  • Click here for a map of current traffic detours or head to the Detours tab.


Updated 7/26/2019

  • Work is progressing quickly, and some modifications to the current traffic pattern in and around Union Sq. may be implemented in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to forthcoming editions of this newsletter as those logistics get sorted out, and if you live or work in the neighborhood, make sure you're enrolled in the City's alert system to be notified prior to major changes.
  • During the week of July 29, Barletta will continue installing the box culvert drainage infrastructure on the north side of Somerville Ave., approaching Stone Ave.
  • Drainage work on south side of Somerville Ave. is expected between Prospect St. and Medford St.
  • Click here for a map of current traffic detours or head to the Detours tab.

Updated 7/19/2019

  • Barletta continues installing the box culvert drainage infrastructure on the north side of Somerville Ave., west of Prospect St.
  • To accommodate that work, during the week of July 22, the crosswalk across Somerville Ave. located about halfway between Stone Ave. and Prospect St. will shift slightly west, toward Stone Ave., for an estimated one to two weeks. The Somerville Ave. @ Stone Ave. MBTA bus stop on routes 86, 87, 91, and CT2 will also shift slightly west. Signage will be posted onsite directing bus riders and pedestrians.
  • Work on Bow St. continues just west of Stone Ave.
  • Drainage work on south side of Somerville Ave. is expected between Prospect St. moving toward Webster Ave.

Updated 6/28/2019

Bow St. pipe removal map
Click to enlarge

Weather permitting, on Monday and Tuesday, July 1 and 2, between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m., the Somerville Ave./Warren Ave./Bow St. turnaround in Union Square in front of East Boston Savings Bank will be closed while Barletta removes temporary utility structures, as pictured above.

  • On those two days during work hours, traffic should plan to follow the daytime detour to access Bow St.from Somerville Ave.:
    • Proceed through Union Sq. onto Webster Ave.
    • Turn left onto Prospect St.
    • Turn left onto Somerville Ave. westbound, then continue onto Bow St.
    • Crosswalks in this area will remain open and available.
  • In other news: Barletta has begun installing the next section of the box culvert drainage infrastructure on the north side of Somerville Ave., west of Prospect St.near the Somerville Media Center building.
  • To support that installation, as outlined above, a daytime detour remains in effect for eastbound traffic on Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Prospect St., weekdays from approximately 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Click here for a map, or head to the Detours tab for a summary of traffic impacts.
  • For MBTA riders: The Somerville Ave. @ Prospect stop on Routes 85, 86, and 91 Outbound and Route 87 Inbound will be closed for the duration of this phase. A temporary stop for those same riders has been established on Prospect St. at Bennett Ct. at an existing Route CT2 stop. This change will be in effect 24/7. Please see the MBTA website for service advisories.
  • Work on Bow St. continues just west of Stone Ave., so northbound traffic on Webster Ave. will still need to turn at the Washington St./Somerville Ave.intersection.
  • Please join us for a public meeting to learn about progress thus far and what's planned for the rest of the year: Thursday, July 18, at 6 p.m. in the Public Safety Building at 220 Washington St.

Updated 6/14/2019

  • As we continue to transition out of the Dane St. detour, regular MBTA bus service will resume in Union Sq. on Route 87 Inbound starting Saturday, June 15, and Route 85 Inbound starting Monday, June 17. Temporary service on Dane St. and Washington St. will be discontinued. Please see the MBTA website for service advisories.
  • The next traffic diversion starts Monday, June 24, for an estimated three months. During work hours (weekdays from 6:30 a.m. to approximately 4 p.m.), eastbound traffic, including MBTA buses, will be slightly rerouted via Webster Ave. and Prospect St. That will allow crews to install the next portion of the box culvert drainage infrastructure near the Somerville Media Center building.
  • For the duration of this next phase, one MBTA stop will be temporarily relocated: The Somerville Ave. @ Prospect stop (outside Mandarin restaurant) servicing Routes 85, 86, and 91 Outbound and Route 87 Inbound will close. A temporary stop for those same riders will be established at the corner of Prospect St. and Bennet Ct. at an existing Route CT2 stop. This change in service will be in effect 24/7.
  • During the week of June 17, Barletta will continue a variety of work on Bow St. just west of Stone Ave. Northbound traffic on Webster Ave. will still need to turn at the Washington St./Somerville Ave. intersection until that work is finished (an estimated one month).
  • Another crew plans to test-pit near the Medford St. intersection.
  • Please see the Detours tab on this website for a summary of the traffic impacts described here. Maps should be available soon.

Updated 6/7/2019

Eastbound Traffic on Somerville Ave. to be Restored Monday, June 10; New Daytime Detour Begins Mid- to Late June

Somerville Ave. will reopen to eastbound traffic through Union Square starting Monday, June 10. Over the next few weeks, Barletta, the City’s contractor, will gradually transition out of their current work zone and into the next phase of construction. They’ll move to Bow St. just west of Stone Ave. for approximately one month. Northbound traffic on Webster Ave. will still be required to turn either left or right at the Washington St./Somerville Ave. intersection. Westbound traffic will be maintained. MBTA bus routes 85 Inbound/Outbound and 87 Inbound will continue operating on their existing Dane St. detour routes.

Starting in mid- to late June, excavation will begin on the north side of Somerville Ave. just west of Prospect St. to install another portion of the box culvert drainage infrastructure. During work hours, weekdays from 7 a.m. to approximately 3 p.m., eastbound traffic will be diverted onto Webster Ave. to Prospect St., and northbound traffic from Webster Ave. will be required to turn left onto Washington St. Police details will be onsite to facilitate detours and assist with all traffic during work hours. MBTA bus routes 85 Outbound, 86 Outbound, 87 Inbound, and 91 Outbound will be diverted via Webster Ave. and Prospect St.

Bow St. Work Zone

  • Work Zone: Bow St. slip lane just west of Stone Ave.
  • Purpose of Work: Remove sections of previous work zone; tie two sanitary services into the City’s sewer system; perform underground electrical work for street lighting; install new portions of water main; and reconstruct a wider sidewalk in front of Reliable Market and east of Stone Ave.
  • Timeline: Starting June 10; anticipated duration approximately one month
  • Traffic Impacts:
    • Eastbound: One traffic lane and a bike lane will be restored to Somerville Ave. eastbound through Union Square.
    • Northbound: Motorists and cyclists on Webster Ave. will still need to turn left or right at the Washington St./Somerville Ave. intersection.
    • Westbound: Will be maintained, just shifted slightly around the work zone.
    • MBTA buses: No change. MBTA bus routes 85 Inbound/Outbound and 87 Inbound will continue operating on their existing Dane St. detour routes.

Prospect St. Work Zone

  • Work Zone: On the north side of Somerville Ave. just west of Prospect St.
  • Purpose of Work: To install another portion of the box culvert drainage infrastructure.
  • Timeline: Starting late June, anticipated to continue through the summer.
  • Traffic Impacts:
    • Eastbound: Weekdays between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m., eastbound traffic from both Somerville Ave. and Washington St. will be diverted to Webster Ave., to Prospect St., then back onto Somerville Ave. Two-way traffic will be maintained during non-work hours.
    • Northbound: Weekdays between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m., northbound motorists and cyclists on Webster Ave. must turn left at the Washington St./Somerville Ave. intersection while the Bow St. work zone is in place.
    • Westbound: Will be maintained at all hours.
    • MBTA Buses:
      • 85 Outbound: Detoured Webster Ave. > Prospect St. > Bow St.
      • 86 Outbound: Detoured Washington St. > Webster Ave. > Prospect St. > Washington (northbound)
      • 87 Inbound: Detoured Webster Ave. > Prospect St. > Somerville Ave.
      • 91 Outbound: Detoured Webster Ave. > Prospect St. > Washington St.

Updated 5/31/2019

  • Barletta plans to begin paving within the fenced-in work zone in Union Sq. approximately Wednesday, June 5, through Friday, June 7.
  • During that time, the eastbound bike lane along the fencing, from about Warren Ave. to Webster Ave., will be closed. Cyclists should plan to walk their bikes on the sidewalk in this stretch.
  • Another crew will continue installing metal sheeting for future excavation between Prospect St. and Stone Ave. When that's complete, they'll continue this work east of Prospect St. Drilling may be disruptive; the City will contact businesses directly if impacts are anticipated.
  • Another crew will be test-pitting between Prospect St. and Medford St.
  • Reminder! The June 4 public meeting has been postponed. More information to follow when that's been rescheduled.

Updated 5/24/2019

  • Barletta will continue installing metal sheeting in advance of future excavation between Prospect St. and Stone Ave. Drilling these in may be disruptive; the City will contact businesses directly if impacts are anticipated.
  • Another crew will be test-pitting between Prospect St. and Medford St.
  • If schedules allow, work to remove old trolley tracks in the center of Somerville Ave. will continue, progressing from Merriam St. to Prospect St. In total, about two-thirds of the original track has been removed thus far.
  • Please note the next public meeting has been postponed. More information to follow when that's been rescheduled.

Updated 5/17/2019

  • In honor of Infrastructure Week, watch this video to brush up on the nuts and bolts of this project and how it will benefit the City.
  • Barletta has made significant progress in recent weeks. Crews have installed most of the structures in the big pit in Union Sq. and they've started backfilling their way up and out.
  • Another crew will be test-pitting on Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Medford St.
  • Another crew will be pre-trenching and installing piles east of Stone Ave., requiring lane shifts.
  • If schedules allow, work to remove old trolley tracks in the center of Somerville Ave. will continue, progressing from Merriam St. to Prospect St.
  • Mark your calendars for this project's next public meeting, June 4 at 6 p.m. in the Public Safety Building. It'll cover planned work for the rest of the year.

Updated 5/10/2019

  • In the Union Sq. work zone, Barletta will continue installing manholes and new drainage infrastructure.
  • Another crew will be test-pitting on Somerville Ave. between Medford St. and McGrath Highway.
  • Another crew will dig exploratory trenches on the north side of Somerville Ave. between Union Square and Prospect St.
  • If schedules allow, work to remove old trolley tracks in the center of Somerville Ave. will continue, progressing from Merriam St. to Prospect St.

Updated 4/26/2019

  • In the Union Sq. work zone, Barletta will continue installing sections of the box culvert drainage infrastructure.
  • Another crew will be testing a new water main on Somerville Ave. near the Target parking lot, requiring lane shifts and parking restrictions.
  • Work to remove old trolley tracks will continue, progressing from Mansfield St. to Prospect St. The tracks are in the center of Somerville Ave., on either side of the existing yellow centerline, so minor lane shifts will be required to accommodate workers in the middle of the road.
  • Eversource Gas has about five more services to replace on Somerville Ave. between Linden St. and Medford St.
  • RCN hopes to finish up this week at the Somerville Ave. / Rossmore St. intersection.

Updated 4/19/2019

  • This project celebrated a milestone this past week as crews installed the first sections of the box culvert, the drainage infrastructure at the core of this construction. Hundreds of sections will be ultimately be installed along Somerville Ave. throughout the project.
  • During the week of April 22, work to remove old trolley tracks will continue, progressing from Medford St. toward Prospect St. The tracks are in the center of Somerville Ave., on either side of the existing yellow centerline, so minor lane shifts will be required to accommodate workers in the middle of the road.
  • Weather permitting, RCN will finish remaining work on Somerville Ave. at the Rossmore St. intersection, as well as between Linden St. and Prospect St.
  • Eversource Gas also plans to be on the southern side of Somerville Ave. between Linden St. and Medford St. replacing gas services.

Updated 4/12/2019

  • Overnight electrical work will continue in Union Square Monday - Friday, April 15 - 19. Work hours are 7 p.m. - 5 a.m. Crews will trench across Somerville Ave. from the Webster Ave. intersection to the large fenced-in work zone, leaving at least one traffic lane open in each direction.
  • Work to remove old trolley tracks will also resume, starting at Medford St. and progressing toward Prospect St. The tracks are in the center of Somerville Ave., on either side of the existing yellow centerline, so minor lane shifts  will be required to accommodate workers in the middle of the road.
  • Within the work zone in Union Sq., crews continue to install support of excavation.
  • Later in the week, another crew may tie in water lines near Medford St. and Merriam St., requiring minor lane shifts.
  • RCN continues at the Rossmore St. intersection.

Updated 3/29/2019

  • Weather and schedules permitting, Eversource plans to work overnight in Union Square starting the evening of Monday, April 1, for approximately three nights. Some noise from jackhammering and saw cutting may be heard through about midnight.
  • During those overnight work hours, crews will trench across Somerville Ave. from the Webster Ave. intersection to the large fenced-in work zone, leaving at least one traffic lane open in each direction.
  • During daytime hours, within that work zone in Union Sq., crews will continue installing support of excavation.
  • Another crew will continue tying in water lines near Medford St., requiring minor lane shifts.
  • RCN will also be working at the Rossmore St. intersection.

Updated 3/8/2019

  • Throughout the week of March 11, crews will continue drilling micropiles within the Union Sq. work zone daily between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • They'll also continue tying in water lines near McGrath Highway, requiring minor lane shifts.
  • Another crew will be removing old trolley tracks between Prospect St. and Medford St. The trolley tracks are in the center of Somerville Ave., on either side of the existing yellow centerline, so minor lane shifts will be required to accommodate workers in the middle of the road.
  • Eversource Gas will continue working on individual services to buildings between Prospect St. and Medford St. on the southern side of Somerville Ave.

Updated 2/22/2019

  • The new traffic pattern in Union Sq. has been installed. This detour is expected to be in place for about six months. City and project staff are monitoring traffic flows and making adjustments where possible.
  • During the week of February 25, crews will be tying in water lines near Medford St. and McGrath Highway, requiring minor lane shifts.
  • Another crew will be removing old trolley tracks between Prospect St. and Medford St. The trolley tracks are in the center of Somerville Ave., on either side of the existing yellow centerline, so minor lane shifts will be required to accommodate workers in the middle of the road.
  • Eversource Gas will continue working on individual services to buildings on the southern side of Somerville Ave. throughout the week.

Updated 2/15/2019

  • Weather permitting, the six-month detour on Somerville Ave. eastbound approaching Union Sq. will start Tuesday, February 19.
  • Eastbound through traffic will be diverted down Dane St. to Washington St., but cars can still proceed to the Warren Ave. / Bow St. intersection to access residences, businesses, and on-street parking. Westbound through traffic (toward Porter Sq.) will be maintained, as will bicycle and pedestrian traffic in both directions.
  • Northbound through-traffic and bicyclists approaching Union Sq. should use Prospect St. and Somerville Ave. or take Webster Ave. to Washington St. to Dane St.
  • Stops on MBTA bus routes 85 and 87 between Dane St. and Union Sq. will be temporarily relocated. Go to the Detours & Maps tab to see the new routes. The MBTA will post service advisories and wayfinding maps at affected stops.
  • In addition to setting up this new traffic pattern, during the week of February 18, crews will be tying in water lines on Mansfield St. and east of Merriam St., requiring minor lane shifts.
  • Another crew will be removing old trolley tracks between Prospect St. and Medford St. The trolley tracks are in the center of Somerville Ave., on either side of the existing yellow centerline, so minor lane shifts will be required to accommodate workers in the middle of the road.
  • Eversource Gas will begin working on individual services to buildings on the south side of Somerville Ave. throughout the week.

Updated 2/6/2019

As part of the next phase of the project, City contractors will set up a large work zone in Union Square on or around February 19. It will remain in place for approximately six months.
For the duration of this six-month period, eastbound through traffic on Somerville Ave. will be detoured onto Dane St. and Washington St., although vehicles will still be able to proceed up to the Warren Ave. intersection to access residences, businesses, and on-street parking.
MBTA bus stops on routes 85 and 87 between Dane St. and Union Square will be temporarily closed and relocated.
Westbound through traffic will be maintained, as will pedestrian and bicycle traffic in both directions.
This detour will allow crews to install the first section of a stormwater box culvert along Somerville Ave. between Bow St. and Washington St. This structure, which will ultimately extend east to Poplar St., will support nearly two-thirds of the City’s drainage and help minimize flooding in the Union Square area.
Please view the detour maps and other information on this page, or email with questions.

Updated 2/1/2019

  • Crews continue to make preliminary, temporary adjustments in the Union Square area to prepare for the the six-month detour on Somerville Ave. eastbound. See a summary of these adjustments in the previous update.
  • A few highlights from those changes: Eastbound traffic on Washington St. has been reduced to one lane between Union Square and the mid-block crossing.
  • Pedestrians, please also note: The crosswalk outside Mama Gina's that runs across Somerville Ave. has been removed; it's in the footprint of the large work zone that will be set up in the coming weeks. Please abide by posted signage and use one of the other crosswalks nearby.
  • Additionally, during the week of February 4, crews will be removing duct banks on Somerville Ave. just west of Prospect St., requiring a lane shift.
  • They'll also be test-pitting near Target, just west of Medford St., with minor traffic impacts there.
  • Eversource Gas also plans to continue working on Rossmore St.

Updated 1/24/2019

Preliminary Work to Begin in Advance of Union Square Detour

Estimated Start Date of Preliminary Detour Work: Friday, January 25

Estimated Duration of Preliminary Detour Work: 3 – 4 weeks

Summary of Work: A series of temporary changes to traffic lights and roadway markings will be made in the Union Square area. These preliminary adjustments are necessary in order to set up the large work zone in Union Square, which at this time is anticipated to begin in mid- to late-February.

  • New Temporary Traffic Signals
    On Friday, January 25, two temporary traffic signals will be activated at the intersection of Webster Ave. and Somerville Ave. Both signals will service northbound traffic on Webster Ave. The existing traffic signal there will be dismantled and removed once the two new temporary signals are activated and functioning. When the Union Square work zone is disassembled (after about six months from the starting date), the existing traffic signal will be reinstalled.
  • Lane Closures & Lane Shifts
    • The left-turn-only lane on Somerville Ave. eastbound approaching Union Square will be closed. The existing lane layout will not be changed; drivers can turn left from the center lane. Bicyclists may need to share the road with motor vehicles in this stretch as posted signage will indicate. 
    • A lane shift will be in effect on Somerville Ave. eastbound between Union Square and Prospect St.
    • Eastbound traffic on Washington St. will be reduced to one lane between Union Square and the mid-block crossing.
  • Changes to Roadway Pavement Markings
    Beginning on Monday, January 28, crews will make temporary changes to current roadway striping in preparation for the upcoming detour on Somerville Ave. eastbound. This work may occur over several days as weather permits.
    • The stop bar on Dane St. at the Somerville Ave. intersection will be moved back 60 ft.
    • The stop bar on Webster Ave. at the Somerville Ave. intersection will be moved back 60 ft.
    • The left-turn lane on Prospect St. at the Somerville Ave. intersection will be extended.
    • The crosswalk outside Mama Gina's that runs across Somerville Ave. will be removed.

Impacts: Please expect increased traffic delays in the area during this time. One metered parking spot will be eliminated on Washington St. to extend the existing bus stop. Four residential parking spots on Hawkins St. will also be eliminated to facilitate access for emergency vehicles. 

Please Note: Current schedules estimate the detour on Somerville Ave. eastbound will begin in mid- to late-February. More information will be provided as that timeline is finalized.

Updated 1/18/2019

  • Crews continue to excavate and install catch basins at various locations along Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Medford St., requiring lane shifts around those areas.
  • Water main tie-ins on Rossmore St. and Mansfield St. will require lane shifts. Eversource Gas may also be on Rossmore St. doing related work.
  • Test pits on Somerville Ave. near McGrath Highway will also require lane shifts.
  • No new news to report about the start date for the detour on Somerville Ave. eastbound.

Updated 1/14/2019

  • Overnight work in Union Square will continue on weeknights through on or around Wednesday, January 16. Contractors will be working on fiber optic cables within manholes in the area. Work hours are midnight to 6 a.m. Only minor noise and minimal traffic impacts are expected.
  • A detour start date for eastbound through traffic on Somerville Ave. has not been set yet. The project team will know more once the cable work above is completed.
  • Throughout the week of January 14, crews will continue removing duct banks as well as a clay sewer pipe between Union Square and the Somerville Media Center building.
  • Water main realignments continue on Medford St. at the Somerville Ave. corner, requiring parking restrictions and lane shifts.
  • Finally, crews will excavate and install catch basins at various locations along Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Medford St.

Updated 1/4/2019

  • Overnight work in Union Square will begin Monday, January 7, and continue weeknights only through about Wednesday, January 16. Contractors will be working on fiber optic cables within manholes in the area. Work hours are midnight to 6 a.m. Only minor noise and minimal traffic impacts are expected.
  • During the day, crews will continue removing duct banks in Union Square.
  • Water main realignments continue on the northern side of Somerville Ave. at Medford St., requiring parking restrictions and lane shifts.
  • Work may begin in the next week or so to remove part of the traffic island between Somerville Ave. eastbound and Bow St. in preparation for the next phase of this project.
  • A start date for the detour for eastbound through traffic on Somerville Ave. has not been set yet.

Updated 12/21/2018

During the week of December 24 (excluding Christmas), Eversource Electric and Barletta will continue removing duct banks, or groups of conduit, in the heart of the Square.

Water main realignments continue on the northern side of Somerville Ave. between Mansfield St. and Medford St., requiring parking restrictions and lane shifts.

Barletta may also test-pit along Somerville Ave. near Union Square and near McGrath Highway.

Due to continued Eversource delays, the detour for eastbound through traffic on Somerville Ave. is expected to be implemented in early 2019.

During that time, eastbound drivers on Somerville Ave. will still be able to proceed to the Square, just not through the Square. More information will be provided here and in the weekly construction newsletter once a start date is set.

Updated 12/14/2018

During the week of December 17, Eversource Electric and Barletta will be removing duct banks, or groups of conduit, in the heart of the Square.

Water main realignments continue on the northern side of Somerville Ave. between Mansfield St. and Medford St., requiring parking restrictions and lane shifts.

Barletta may also continue test-pitting along Somerville Ave. near Union Square and near McGrath Highway.

Due to continued Eversource delays, the detour for eastbound through traffic on Somerville Ave. is now expected to be implemented in early 2019. More information will be provided once a start date is set.

Eastbound drivers on Somerville Ave. will still be able to proceed to the Square, just not through the Square. Through traffic will be rerouted down Dane St. Click the Detours tab for maps and more information.

Updated 12/7/2018

Due to continued Eversource delays, the detour on Somerville Ave. eastbound is now expected to be implemented in early 2019.

Updated 12/7/2018

During the week of December 10, the following work will be completed:

Overnight on Monday, December 11, into Tuesday, December 12, Eversource Electric crews will be splicing cables near the Somerville Ave. / Washington St. intersection. Work is expected to begin Monday night at 11 p.m. and continue into Tuesday afternoon. There may be some lane shifts in place, but this work should not be disruptive to abutters. 

Water main realignments continue on the northern side of Somerville Ave. between Rossmore St. and Medford St., requiring parking restrictions and lane shifts.

Updated 11/30/2018

  • Eversource Electric will continue relocating underground conduit on Somerville Ave. between Bow St. and Prospect St., requiring parking restrictions and lane shifts.
  • The detour on Somerville Ave. is expected to go into effect beginning in mid-December. Only eastbound vehicular through traffic will be rerouted. Three stops on MBTA bus routes 85 and 87 will also be temporarily relocated. We’ll update this page as the timeline becomes clearer.
  • Water main realignments continue on the northern side of Somerville Ave.: One crew will be between Merriam St. and Mansfield St. moving east, and one will be at Prospect St. moving west, requiring parking restrictions and lane shifts.
  • Barletta will also continue test-pitting on Somerville Ave. between Bow St. and Prospect St.

Updated 11/13/2018

On or around Wednesday, November 14, 21 trees will be removed from Somerville Ave. between Stone Ave. and Medford St. These trees were originally marked for a 2019 removal, but they need to be removed earlier than anticipated so that crews can proceed with construction to install a new water main.
At the end of this project, 51 new trees will be planted in this stretch, including new trees in the vicinity of the trees that will be removed. These new trees will be planted in expanded tree pits with maximized soil volumes using Silva Cells. The tree pits will be surrounded by porous and permeable pavements for improved water and air exchange, and subsurface drip irrigation will be installed to support tree health during droughts.
Tree Removal

Updated 11/7/2018

As of November 7, the City anticipates that the detour planned for Somerville Ave. eastbound will not go into effect before early December.

Before the next phase of the Somerville Ave. Utilities & Streetscape Improvements Project can begin, Eversource Electric must complete some underground utility work. Crews will be onsite over the next several weeks pulling underground conduit, but a more detailed schedule has not yet been provided. As soon as we have a clear understanding of the Eversource work schedule, we will update the community on both that work schedule and the anticipated start date for the Somerville Ave. detour. 

On weekdays and possibly weekends throughout the month of November, Eversource expects to be pulling conduit in manholes along Somerville Ave., which may require them to work as late as 11 p.m. The work should not be disruptive to abutters, however there may be some lane shifts in place at the locations of the manholes.

Updated 11/1/2018

On Thursday, November 1, and Friday, November 2, Eversource Electric crews will be working in manholes along Somerville Ave., between Stone Ave. and Prospect St., until approximately 11 p.m. The work will include pulling underground cable and should not be disruptive to abutters; however, there may be some lane shifts in place at the locations of the manholes, and Somerville Police will be stationed in those areas to assist with traffic flow.

If you have any questions, please call 311, or email

Updated 10/16/2018

Starting on or around the first week of November 2018, City contractors will begin to establish this work zone for the next major phase of the Somerville Ave. Utilities & Streetscape Improvement project, commonly referred to as the “upstream connection” phase. This work zone is anticipated to remain in place for approximately six months, from December 2018 to May 2019. The upstream connection work includes the installation of a new box culvert and the separation of existing sewer and drainage pipe systems. 

During construction, access to businesses will remain available, and pedestrian and bicycle access will be maintained.

Due to limited vehicular access on Somerville Ave. eastbound, the detour will re-route through traffic from Somerville Ave. eastbound onto Dane St. and Washington St. Vehicle and bicycle traffic traveling northbound on Webster Ave. will not be able to directly access Bow St. through Union Square. Access to Bow St. from Webster Ave. can be achieved by proceeding northbound on Prospect St. and making a left-hand turn onto Somerville Ave. westbound. Vehicles will, however, be able to access Somerville Ave. to the Bow St. turnaround in order to access businesses. 

Traffic will NOT be able to access the Somerville Ave./Washington St. intersection past Bow St. while the work zone is in place. Temporary detour signage will be in place. Information regarding the relocation of existing bus stops can be found by clicking here, and will be posted at existing bus stops.

Graphical representation of the USQ detours described in the above update.

Updated 10/5/2018

Beginning in early November, the next phase of the Somerville Ave. Utilities & Streetscape Improvements Project will get underway, including a detour for through traffic on Somerville Ave. eastbound between Dane St. and Bow St. (local traffic for businesses and residents will be able to access Somerville Ave. to Bow St., but not all the way through the heart of the square). To accommodate construction, a work zone will be set up in the middle of Union Square for about six months. Some stops on MBTA bus routes 85 and 87between Dane Street and Union Square will also be temporarily closed and relocated during this time.

To learn more about the upcoming work and associated detours, please join Ward 2 Alderman J.T. Scott, Ward 3 Alderman Ben Ewen-Campen, City of Somerville staff, and representatives from the project team for a community meeting on Wednesday, October 10, at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Academy Room at the Somerville Public Safety building, 220 Washington St. 

Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Detours in Union Square, December 2018 – May 2019 (View PDF)

Somerville Ave Detour Map

MBTA Bus Stops to Be Relocated During Construction, December 2018 – May 2019 (View PDF)

From December 2018 through approximately May 2019, three stops on MBTA bus routes 87 Inbound and 85 Inbound will be temporarily closed & relocated.

Union Square detour map


Route 87 Inbound

  • Somerville Ave. opposite School St. (in front of Be in Union yoga) 

→ Use Somerville Ave. opposite Loring St. instead

  • Somerville Ave. @ Carlton St. 

→ Use Washington St. @ Kingman Rd. instead

Routes 85 & 87 Inbound

  • Somerville Ave. @ Union Sq. (in front of Grooves) 

→ Use Washington St. @ Kingman Rd. instead

Older Updates

Updated 9/28/2018

Beginning the week of October 1, City contractors will be making upgrades to the large combined sewer on Somerville Ave. as part of the ongoing Somerville Ave. Utility and Streetscape Improvements Project. Work will begin at the Washington St. / Bow St. / Somerville Ave. intersection and progress in segments to Poplar St.

Given the size of this sewer, crews will be working both during the day and overnight, Monday through Friday, for approximately three weeks, though significant rain may add delays. Work is not expected to take place on weekends.

Please expect moderate noise from compressors, blowers, truck engines, and bypass pumps.

Please also note that certain phases of the lining operation may produce a glue-like odor. This is generated from the liner curing process and should not be cause for concern.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause as we complete this necessary upgrade to our City’s aging underground infrastructure.

If you have any questions, please call the Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext. 5400 or 311/617-666-3311.

Updated 9/19/2018

On or around September 19, 2018, seven trees will be removed as part of the Somerville Ave. Three of these seven were found to be nearly dead or in poor health. They’re marked as numbers 11, 12, 13, 17, 20, 33, and 34 on this map, which was presented at the tree hearings earlier this year.
The sewer lining work outlined for the week of September 24 has been pushed to the week of October 1.
Tree removals



Updated 9/14/2018

Week of September 17

Barletta will continue installing a new water main in the Bow St. area, so there may be a lane closure at Somerville Ave. eastbound at that intersection through the week.  

To prepare for the combined-sewer lining work that’s on track for the week of September 24 (more below), crews will be cleaning that sewer on Hawkins St. moving to Somerville Ave., as well as finishing pump set-ups at the Hawkins St. / Washington St. intersection and the Bow St. island near Reliable Market.

Plans are still being finalized at this time, but it’s likely that during the week of September 17, a few trees originally marked for removal in 2019 will be removed earlier than anticipated because they currently interfere with sewer lateral separation work. Proper notice will be posted in accordance with City ordinance, and we will post an update here when more specific information is available.

As a reminder, 40 trees will be preserved through the project, and 51 new trees will be planted at the end of the project. To view presentation materials and a list of the trees allocated for removal, click on the Meetings & Presentations tab to view presentation materials from two tree hearings held in 2018. 

Week of September 24

Weather permitting, beginning the week of September 24 and lasting for approximately three weeks, sewer lining work on the large combined sewer that runs beneath the center of Somerville Ave. will begin, starting at the Washington St. / Bow St. / Somerville Ave. intersection and moving in sections toward Poplar St. It’s estimated that this will take about three weeks to complete.

Overnight Work

This combined sewer is large – it connects two-thirds of the City to the MWRA system. Given its size, crews will be working on site all day and all night, Monday through Friday, for three consecutive weeks. There may be weather delays, however, because rain would increase drainage discharge flows, preventing the lining material from curing properly.

Traffic Impacts

Parking restrictions will be posted on both sides of the work zone. No road closures are anticipated, but lane shifts and isolated lane closures will be in effect.


Certain phases of the lining operation may produce glue-like odors. The sewer lining work outlined for the week of September 24 has been pushed to the week of October 1.


Updated 8/21/2018

During the week of August 27, City contractors will be making upgrades to the sewer mains on the north side of Somerville Ave., between Stone Ave. and Medford St., as part of the ongoing Somerville Ave. Utility and Streetscape Improvements Project.

The work will be conducted overnight in order to minimize disruptions to residents and businesses in this area. It will begin at 10 p.m. and may finish as late as 2 p.m. the following day. Notices will be distributed to individual properties 24 hours before work affecting them is scheduled to start. During your sewer service interruption, please avoid activities that send water down the drains in your residence/business, including:

• Flushing toilets
• Using sinks
• Using showers
• Running dishwashers
• Running washing machines

If excessive water does go down your drain during this time, like from a washing machine or dishwasher, you run the risk of a sewage backup coming into your property.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause as we complete this necessary upgrade to our City’s aging underground infrastructure.

If you have any questions, please call the Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext. 5400 or 311/617-666-3311.

Updated 7/29/2018

As part of the ongoing Somerville Ave. Sewer Separation & Streetscape Improvements Project, City contractors will be conducting sewer line cleaning. Due to the nature of the work and potential traffic impacts, the work will be done overnight on Monday, July 30, Tuesday July 31, and Wednesday, August 1, between the hours of 8 p.m. and 4 a.m. The work will not produce noise, with the exception of an idling truck, and will not require road closures. There are not expected to be any impacts to residents or businesses. On Monday night, the work will take place adjacent to the Union Square Plaza on Somerville Ave., and on Tuesday and Wednesday nights the work will take place within the intersection of Prospect St. and Somerville Ave.

If you have any questions, please email, or call 311 (617-666-3311). Thank you.

Updated 7/19/2018


  • Expect increased traffic disruptions in the Square; both Barletta and Eversource Electric will be working in the heart of the Square over the next three months.
  • The work zone on Somerville Ave. will shrink this week, making more of the public plaza space available.
  • As of Friday, July 13, the MBTA bus stop on Somerville Ave. at the Union Sq. Plaza was restored to its original location.
  • Bicycle traffic should continue to share the lane with motor vehicle traffic on Somerville Ave. westbound while the work zone is in place.
  • During the week of July 16, there will be water and sewer work at the intersection of Bow St., but there will be no water interruptions.

Construction Details

Water & Sewer Work

Over the next three weeks, National Water Main crews will continue cleaning sewers along the eastern end of Somerville Ave. Expect isolated lane shifts and temporary no parking zones between Webster Ave. and Medford St. There are no expected impacts to water service as a result of this cleaning.

Barletta crews continue to replace the old water main beneath the Plaza. Last week, the final portion of existing water mains were moved onto temporary mains. During the week of July 16, water work will continue on the Plaza and Somerville Ave. at the intersection with Bow St. In approximately two weeks, this work will move east toward El Potro and Reliable Market. While there will be no water service interruptions, sidewalk cafes and furniture in this area will be moved as crews complete the work. If you are a business owner in this area and have concerns about the work, please contact the City’s Construction Compliance Manager, Jesse Moos, at

Somerville Ave./Plaza Work Zone

Excavation will continue in the Plaza for several weeks, however the existing fenced-in work zone will become smaller as of Tuesday, July 17, the crosswalk will fully re-open, and the work zone will be moved to extend from Stone Ave. to just east of the MBTA bus stop and the crosswalk. As of Friday, July 13, the MBTA bus stop at that area was restored to its normal location,. While the work zone remains in place, bicycle traffic should continue to share the lane with motor vehicle traffic on Somerville Ave. westbound. 

Work at Bow St. and Webster Ave.

This week and next week, expect isolated lane shifts and lane closures on Bow St., where Barletta will be conducting water work, and within the Somerville Ave./Webster Ave./Washington St. intersection, where Eversource Electric will be test-pitting. Bikes will be directed to share the lane with motor vehicle traffic.

During the week of July 23, Eversource will begin relocating duct banks in the Somerville Ave./Bow St./Stone Ave. area for approximately three months, requiring lane shifts and closures. Bikes will be directed to share the lane with motor vehicle traffic. 


Updated 6/29/2018

Highlights to Note (See Below for More Details)

  • Isolated lane shifts for vehicles on Somerville Ave. between Webster Ave. and Medford St. beginning July 2.  
  • Bicycle traffic should continue to share the lane with motor vehicle traffic on Somerville Ave. westbound while the work zone is in place.
  • Isolated water service interruptions expected the week of July 9.
  • Due to the holiday, construction work will stop by noon on Tuesday, July 3, and resume Thursday, July 5, at 7 a.m.

Construction Updates

Beginning the week of July 2, National Water Main crews will be cleaning sewers along the eastern end of Somerville Ave. Drivers should expect isolated lane shifts around manholes between Webster Ave. and Medford St. so that workers can safely access those sewers. On-street parking may also be affected depending on the location of the work at a given time. These cleanings are expected to takeabout three weeks to complete. There are no expected impacts to water service as a result of this cleaning.

Barletta crews are also making progress as they work toward replacing an old water main beneath the Plaza. To do so, they need to set up temporary water service, remove the old main, then install the new piping. During their overnight operations this past week, they began this process by cutting into the main water line and installing two new valves. Prior to installation, the temporary water system will be tested the week of July 2, and once it’s determined to be working safely and effectively, select building services will be transferred from the old water main to the temporary water line.

During this cutover, anticipated for the week of July 9, a small subset of properties in the area will experience a short interruption to their water service. This interruption is only expected to last about one to two hours, and impacted properties will be notified directly by the City.

Excavation continues in Union Square Plaza as Barletta works to replace a 24-inch sewer line. The fenced-in work zone in the Plaza is expected to remain in place until late July. During this time, bicycle traffic should continue to share the lane with motor vehicle traffic on Somerville Ave. westbound.

Please note that construction will wrap up by noon on Tuesday, July 3, for the Fourth of July holiday. Work will resume Thursday, July 5, at 7 a.m.

Updated 6/14/2018

Highlights of Upcoming Work (See Below for Full Details)

  • Overnight water work will be conducted in the Union Square Plaza the nights of Monday, June 25, and Tuesday, June 26, from approximately 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning. Some properties will experience interruptions to water access during this time, but all those affected will be contacted directly by the City.
  • As of this week (June 14), and continuing until approximately the week of July 16, westbound bicycle traffic will be directed to a shared lane with motor vehicle traffic in front of the plaza, on Somerville Ave. 

Overnight Work & Water-Service Disruptions

Overnight work will be conducted in the plaza the nights of Monday, June 25, and Tuesday, June 26, from approximately 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning, in order to perform necessary tie-ins to existing water systems. This work has been planned during overnight hours in order to be as minimally impactful to residents and businesses as possible, particularly as there will be some water service interruptions during this work.

During these times, crews will be performing work involving two local waterline tie-ins, so some properties in the area will experience interruptions to their water service between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. All properties that will be affected will be contacted directly by the City within the next week.

Residents may hear intermittent, moderate noise overnight while the crew’s compressor is running and when workers are sawing into pipes. Project staff ultimately chose to conduct this work overnight, however, in an effort to minimize disruptions to the community and to avoid interrupting residents’ water access during daytime hours.

Construction Updates

Crews have completed test pitting operations within the intersection of Prospect St. and Somerville Ave. and will continue to test pit the east end of Somerville Ave. (toward Medford St.).

Excavation to replace a 24-inch sewer line at the south edge of the Union Square plaza began this week, just west of the mid-block crossing at the plaza, and will continue toward the east side of Stone Ave. on Somerville Ave. westbound. 

A fenced-in work zone was set up in the plaza on Tuesday, June 12, which will remain in place for approximately five weeks, including on weekends. During this time, bicycle traffic will be directed to the shared lane with motor vehicle traffic on Somerville Ave. westbound.

Please note that the MBTA bus stop on Somerville Ave. at the Union Square plaza has shifted approximately 100 feet east toward Prospect St., near the Somerville Media Center building, to accommodate construction for the foreseeable future. 

Preconstruction Surveys

Pre-construction property surveys are underway. Pre-construction surveys include visual inspections of the exteriors and interiors of buildings using video, photographs, or a level survey that measures elevations of basements and ground floors. All inspections will be performed in the presence of the engineer and property owner or their designee.

Both the City and Barletta have sent multiple notices to property owners designated for pre-construction surveys. If you are unsure if your property was included, please reach out to a member of the project team listed below.

Updated 6/3/2018

Below are some project updates for your information:

  • Tree removals will now begin Wednesday, June 6. To see the locations of these trees and a list of trees to be replanted at the completion of the project, click here.
  • The MBTA bus stop on Somerville Ave. adjacent to the Union Square Plaza will be shifted about 100 feet east (toward Prospect St.) on or around Thursday, June 7.
  • Effective this week, westbound bicycle traffic will be directed to a shared lane with motor vehicle traffic in the plaza between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Tree Removals

Due to a schedule adjustment, tree removals will now take place on Wednesday, June 6, weather permitting. Four trees in the Union Square plaza and five trees on the south side of Somerville Ave., between Bow St. and Prospect St., will be removed at that time. Almost all of these nine were found to be in poor health by the City’s arborist. In total, 37 trees are scheduled to be removed throughout project. Trees allocated for removal that are west of Allen St. are scheduled to be removed over the course of the 2018 construction season. Trees allocated for removal that are east of Allen St. are planned for removal in 2019. 40 trees will be preserved throughout construction, and 51 new trees will be planted at the end of the project. Visit view the presentation materials from two tree hearings held in 2018, a list of trees that will be removed, and a map showing the nine that will come down Wednesday.

Upcoming Construction Schedule

Beginning the week of June 4 and continuing for approximately six weeks, excavation will occur to replace a 24-inch sewer line at the south edge of Union Square plaza, just west of the mid-block crossing at the plaza, and will continue to the east side of Stone Ave. on Somerville Ave. westbound. This work will include a work zone in the plaza itself and will also impact the bike lane and westbound travel line. Bicycle traffic will be directed to the shared lane with motor vehicle traffic on Somerville Ave. westbound during work hours (between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.).

The MBTA bus stop on Somerville Ave. at the Union Square plaza will be shifted approximately 100 feet east toward Prospect St., near the Somerville Media Center Building, to accommodate the sewer installation. The bus stop relocation will occur on or around Thursday, June 7. Please review all posted signage.

Preconstruction Surveys

Last week, contractors from Barletta Heavy Division sent letters to property owners in specific areas notifying them about pre-construction property surveys. The purpose of pre-construction surveys is to document existing property conditions prior to construction. While not required, the surveys provide important documentation should property owners notice damage to their property during or after construction. Without proper documentation of conditions before construction, it may be difficult to demonstrate how or if damage may have been done to a particular property as a result of the project. Preconstruction surveys include visual inspection of the exteriors and interiors of buildings by means of video, photographs, a level survey giving elevations of basements and ground floor. 

If your property is impacted, building owners should already have received notice from the City and from Barletta. 

All inspections will be performed in the presence of the Engineer and property owner or their designee.

Updated 5/23/2018

Upcoming Construction Schedule

During the weeks of May 21 and May 28, contractors will continue digging test pits intermittently along Somerville Ave. between Bow St. and Prospect St., and also between Prospect St. and Medford St. Test pits are a common construction practice. Prior to the start of any excavation, construction crews dig small “test pits” to be sure that the underground infrastructure and utilities are in proper order and that the construction plan can proceed accordingly. Typically, test pits are only several feet wide and do not involve significant work or impacts to abutters, however this work will require some lane shifts, closures, and parking restrictions in various locations along Somerville Ave., just west of Prospect Street to Medford Street, between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. No Parking signage will be posted 48 hours in advance of the parking restriction at test pit location. Please review any posted signage when parking in this area as signage and timing may change. 

Beginning the week of June 4 and continuing for approximately six weeks, excavation will occur to replace a 24-inch sewer line at the south edge of Union Square plaza, just west of the mid-block crossing in the plaza, and continue to the east side of Stone Ave. on Somerville Ave. westbound. This work will include a work zone in the plaza itself and will also impact the bike lane and westbound travel line. Bicycle traffic will be directed to the shared lane with motor vehicle traffic on Somerville Ave. westbound during work hours (between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.).

The MBTA bus stop on Somerville Ave. at the Union Square plaza will be shifted approximately 100 feet east, near the Somerville Media Center Building, to accommodate the sewer installation. The bus stop relocation will occur sometime during the week of June 4, 2018. Please review all posted signage.

Preconstruction Surveys

Beginning the week of May 21, contractors will be contacting property owners in specific areas to conduct pre-construction property surveys. The purpose of pre-construction surveys is to document existing property conditions prior to construction. While not required, the surveys provide important documentation should property owners notice damage to their property during or after construction. Without proper documentation of conditions before construction, it may be difficult to demonstrate how or if damage may have been done to a particular property as a result of the project. Impacted properties will be notified directly by the project team. Preconstruction surveys include visual inspection of the exteriors and interiors of buildings by means of video, photographs, a level survey giving elevations of basements and ground floor. 

If your property is impacted, building owners should already have received a notice from the City, and another is forthcoming from Barletta. 

All inspections will be performed in the presence of the Engineer and property owner or their designee.

Tree Removals

Thumbnail preview of tree removal map in linked PDF

Some tree removals will occur on Wednesday, June 6 with the removal of four trees in the Union Square plaza, as well as five trees on the south side of Somerville Ave., between Bow St. and Prospect St. There are a total of 37 trees scheduled to be removed for the project. The trees allocated for removal that are located west of Allen St. are scheduled to be removed over the course of the 2018 construction season. Trees allocated for removal and located east of Allen St. are planned for removal in 2019. 40 trees will be preserved through the project. 51 new trees will be planted at the end of the project. Click here to view presentation materials and a list of the trees allocated for removal. You can find a memo from engineering firm WSP to City officials here.

Updated 4/27/2018

Upcoming Construction Schedule 

Beginning the week of April 30 and continuing over the next several weeks, contractors will begin digging test pits intermittently along Somerville Ave. between Bow St. and Prospect St. Test pits are a common construction practice. Prior to the start of any excavation, construction crews dig small “test pits” to be sure that the underground infrastructure and utilities are in proper order and that the construction plan can proceed accordingly. Typically, test pits are only several feet wide and do not involve significant work or impacts to abutters, however this work will require some lane shifts, closures, and parking restrictions at Bow St., Stone Ave., and the Union Square Plaza, between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. No parking signs will be posted along the north side of Somerville Ave., in the vicinity of 59 Somerville Ave. Please review any posted signage when parking in this area as signage and timing may change.

Preconstruction Surveys

Over the next few weeks, contractors will be contacting property owners in specific areas to conduct pre-construction property surveys. The purpose of pre-construction surveys is to document existing property conditions prior to construction. While not required, the surveys provide important documentation should property owners notice damage to their property during or after construction. Without proper documentation of conditions before construction, it may be difficult to demonstrate how or if damage may have been done to a particular property as a result of the project. Impacted properties will be notified directly by the project team. 

Preconstruction surveys of selected buildings may begin the week of May 14 or May 21. These include visual inspection of the exteriors and interiors of buildings by means of video, photographs, a level survey giving elevations of basements and ground floor. 

The City will first provide a general notice describing the project and the need to obtain access to the buildings. The Contractor will then contact individual building owners at least 2 weeks after the City has provided notice.

The Contractor will make contact by phone call to discuss need to inspect and get signed right of entry.  If they do not reach building owner by phone, then the Contractor typically sends a letter by certified mailed. 

All inspections will be performed in the presence of the Engineer and property owner or their designee.  

Tree Removal Hearings

There are 37 trees scheduled for removal as defined in the project plans. The City of Somerville held two public tree hearings in Spring 2018 to discuss these removals: March 28 and May 2. You can view the presentation slides by clicking here.




Detours & Maps


Eastbound Detour Through September 2021

Eastbound traffic on Somerville Ave. will be diverted between Prospect St. and Medford St. to support the next phase of this project. Westbound traffic will be maintained.

This condition is expected to be in place until approximately September 2021. During that time, contractors will excavate sidewalks on the southern side of Somerville Ave., install new drainage, irrigation, street lighting infrastructure, electrical conduits, and manholes, then rebuild the sidewalks with streetscape improvements. 

Traffic Impacts

  • Eastbound traffic on Somerville Ave. will be diverted onto Washington St., then right onto Medford St. back to Somerville Ave. 
  • Westbound traffic will be maintained. 
  • MBTA Bus Route 87 Inbound will follow the traffic detour, so existing stops on the south side of Somerville Ave. between Prospect St. and Medford St. will not be serviced for the duration of this phase. Instead, temporary service will be offered at existing stops on Washington St. The MBTA will post service alerts at affected stops and online.
    • Temporarily Closed Stops
      • Somerville Ave. @ Linden St. 
      • Somerville Ave. opp. Mansfield St. 
    • Temporary Service Offered at These Stops 
      • Washington St. @ Merriam St.
      • Washington St. @ Mansfield St.


        Somerville Ave Eastbound Closure - 87 Bus Detour


        Somerville Ave Eastbound Closure - MV Detour


Project Background


Improvements Above and Below Ground

The Somerville Ave. Utility and Streetscape Improvements project will begin in approximately April 2018, and will include the section of Somerville Ave. between Bow St/Washington St. (the heart of Union Square) and Medford St. (just past the Target). Note: this project is separate from the recent traffic improvements on Prospect St. and Webster Ave., and builds upon the Somerville Ave. Reconstruction project that was completed in 2010.)

This project will address legacy stormwater flooding issues in Union Square, and includes significant streetscape improvements. The entire project is anticipated to take approximately 3.5 years to complete.*

There are two major categories of work of the project: Upgrades to the underground stormwater management system and other aspects of the water and sewer systems, and enhancements to the overall streetscape.

  • Underground, the stormwater upgrades will increase capacity and reduce flooding with the installation of a 14-foot wide by 6-foot tall box culvert (a rectangular concrete structure) under Somerville Ave. from Union Square to Medford St. The 800,000 gallon box culvert will remove storm flows from the 100-year old, 72-inch brick combined sewer underneath Somerville Ave., eventually allowing this pipe to serve as a dedicated sanitary line. Water main replacements and sewer pipe lining rehabilitation will provide reliable service for many years to come.
  • Above ground, streetscape improvements will include enhanced pedestrian, transit rider, cyclist, and traffic facilities; and green stormwater infrastructure.
  • The enhanced facilities will reduce intersection crossing distances and improve sight lines between pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists. 6.5-foot wide bike lanes along either side of the street will be fully separated from the road by a raised curb and offset by a few feet.
  • Green stormwater infrastructure will be used to collect and filter runoff from 25% of the project area. This will be accomplished by new planted areas, stormwater infrastructure that will support large tree growth, and permeable surfaces on the bike paths and in some buffer areas. New permeable areas will lead to a reduction of 0.7 acres of impervious hard surface.

There will also be utility work by Eversource in the Union Square plaza, in the heart of Union Square near the intersection of Bow St. and Somerville Ave., and on Prospect St. The utility work is anticipated to start in March 2018. Plans showing the approximate location of this work can be found in the Plans section of the website, below.

* Project timeline may be impacted by unforeseen challenges such as inclement / severe weather, conditions of underground infrastructure, and emergencies.

More Information

For more information, please contact Dan Amelin at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5424, or by e-mail at


Meetings & Presentations

Helpful Links


Upcoming Events


Check back soon for upcoming meetings and events related to the Somerville Ave. Utility & Streetscape Improvements project.


Programs & Initiatives

The Somerville Office of Emergency Management and the Somerville LEPC work collaboratively with all town public safety agencies to maintain the required levels of preparedness and response to potential hazardous material incidents.
The Safety Division of the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) provides guidance on safety requirements for building projects in Somerville.

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