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Want to help reduce rodent activity near your home?

The City actively works to reduce rodent activity in our community. When residents help near their homes, together we can make an even bigger difference.

Here’s what you can do!

Remove Food Sources

  1. Keep trash and recycling carts closed and tightly sealed.
  2. Patch any holes in carts, and call 311 to replace when damaged.
  3. Compost properly: No meat, dairy, grease, or strong-smelling items.
  4. Report ANY trash overflows to 311.
  5. Do not feed wildlife. Pick up vegetable garden waste.
Overflowing Recycling Bins

Prevent Water Supply

  1. Remove sources of standing water: dog bowls, birdbaths, or plant saucers.
  2. Inspect and repair any leaks from faucets, hoses, rain catchers, or AC units.
  3. Remove standing water like puddles by draining or sweeping away.
  4. Clear away or empty containers that gather rainwater: buckets, toys, or other items.
  5. Empty watering cans when not using.
Water Spigot

Reduce Shelter Access

  1. Landscape and declutter regularly.
  2. Remove low-lying vegetation, and trim all plants away from structures.
  3. Inspect the outside of your home for potential rodent entry points. Rats can fit through holes as small as ½ inch wide.
  4. Check around pipes, vents, door sweeps, windows, or cable entry points.
  5. Fill entry points with steel wool, rodent-proof spray foam, steel mesh, or hardware cloth.
Rodent Burrow Hole

Report all rodent issues and sightings to 311 (617-666-3311)

Learn more at




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