Stay Safe in the Cold: All Somerville Library Locations and the Council on Aging Center (167 Holland St.) will serve as warming centers during business hours on Tues. & Wed. COA building is for seniors only. More info for cold weather safety at Learn about carbon monoxide safety and preventing frozen water pipes.
New Activities Allowed Starting June 19
Additional activities and reopening guidelines in Phase 4, Step 2 of the State’s reopening plan will go into effect in Somerville on Saturday, June 19. Somerville will be joining Boston’s reopening schedule, which is on a three-week delay from the State’s plan. All of the newly allowed activities will be subject to regular City permitting and safety rules and the State’s sector-specific COVID-19 guidelines.
Additional changes going into effect in Somerville on June 19:
- Bars and breweries may open with seated service only. Alcohol may be served without food.
- Restaurant party size limits will increase to 10 people per table.
- Gathering limits indoors will increase to 200 indoors and 250 outdoors for public and private events.
- Festivals, including block parties, and parades may be held at 50% of 2019 capacity.
- Patrons of recreation facilities, like bowling alleys, will not need to remain stationary with food and non-alcoholic beverages. Businesses must still follow State guidance on alcohol.
With these reopenings, Somerville will be in alignment with all announced state guidelines on reopening. As a reminder, the State’s face covering guidance remains in place - face coverings still must be worn in indoor public spaces and outdoors when social distancing is not possible. The City of Somerville continues to monitor COVID case trends, vaccination rates and other related data, as well as the latest CDC and State guidance on a daily basis and will use this information to evaluate future policy changes.
All persons age 12 or older are currently eligible for vaccination. For information on how to schedule an appointment, visit
Additional Reopening Steps Go Into Effect June 1
Beginning on Tuesday, June 1, additional reopening steps that allow for expanded athletic activities and indoor performances will go into effect in Somerville. Somerville is joining with Boston in rolling out these reopening steps on a delay from the State schedule. All of the newly allowed activities will be subject to regular City permitting and safety rules and sector-specific COVID-19 guidelines.
What changes in Somerville on June 1:
- Dance floors will be allowed at private events, but facial coverings must be worn and there should be social distancing between households.
- Food and drinks will be allowed with recreational activities, but they must remain in one location. This means, for example, moviegoers can have snacks and drinks at their seats during a screening or bowlers can have food at their lane.
- Singing and woodwind/brass instrument performances will be allowed indoors. Performers must be at least ten feet apart from each other and 25 feet away from the audience.
- Road races and large athletic events will be allowed.
- Youth and amateur adult tournaments for moderate- and high-risk sports, including baseball, softball, track and field, football, wrestling, and basketball, will be allowed.
- The City of Somerville continues to monitor COVID case trends, vaccination rates, and other related data on a daily basis. As more people are vaccinated there is hope for further reopening in the near future. All persons age 16 or older are currently eligible for vaccination. For information on how to schedule an appointment, visit or call the statewide helpline at 2-1-1.
Somerville to Move Into Modified Phase 4, Step 1 Reopening on May 7
With more residents and employees able to be vaccinated and a recent decrease in COVID-19 cases, Somerville will move into a modified Phase 4, Step 1 of the State’s reopening plan starting on Friday, May 7.
What will change in Somerville starting May 7:
- With any additional guidance noted below, all businesses in categories included through the State’s Phase 4, Step 1 as well as houses of worship will be allowed to operate at up to 50% capacity with social distancing and with all sector-specific guidelines followed.
- Included in the above are movie theaters and bingo halls, previously closed in Somerville.
- Event capacity limits at private residences will remain at 10 people indoors and will increase to 25 people outdoors.
- Event capacity limits at public event venues or spaces will increase to 100 people indoors and 150 people outdoors with approved safety plans for social distancing, masking guidance, and other safety protocols.
- Singing (while masked) and woodwind/brass instrument performances will be allowed outdoors. As per State guidance, greater distancing requirements are required for wind and brass instruments and singing performances including at least 10 feet between performers and performers must be 25 feet from the audience for these performance categories.
- Indoor performances, subject to the 50% business capacity limits or event gathering limits above, will be allowed for all performance types except for singing and woodwind and brass instruments, which remain prohibited indoors until further notice.
- With the approval of the Somerville Licensing Commission, restaurants and bars or breweries can partner to offer outdoor dining with alcoholic beverages. All other regulations must be followed.
Businesses and other venues that wish to increase their capacity to the new limits above must submit revised Health and Safety Plans (HASP) to the Inspectional Services Division. If your business is licensed through CitizenServe, please upload a revised HASP under your existing license in CitizenServe at Other businesses and venues should email their revised HASP to For information on how to prepare a HASP visit
The State is expected to announce additional reopening guidelines this week. The City will review any additional reopening measures to determine which might be adopted in Somerville. The City of Somerville continues to monitor COVID case trends, vaccination rates, and other related data on a daily basis. As more people are vaccinated there is hope for further reopening in the near future. All persons age 16 or older are currently eligible for vaccination. For information on how to schedule an appointment, visit or call the statewide helpline at 2-1-1.
“We are making real progress in Massachusetts on reducing COVID-19 cases, and to keep that momentum going as reopening progresses, I strongly urge everyone to keep up the good work. If we all get the vaccine, wear our facemasks, keep our distance in public, stay home and get tested when feeling ill, and wash our hands frequently, we can keep one another safer as we work to drive down COVID-19 cases and strive for a great summer,” said Doug Kress, Director of Health and Human Services.
For more information and regular COVID-19 updates, visit and sign up for City alerts at Community members are encouraged to sign up for every alert method: phone call, text, email. Also follow and @SomervilleCity.
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