This event has been canceled due to forecast snow. Please check back for a rescheduled date.
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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 15, 2025
This event has been canceled due to forecast snow. Please check back for a rescheduled date.
This is a monthly meeting of the Somerville Commission for Women Education subcommittee

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Licensing Commission.
Public meeting of the Finance Committee. View agenda, live video stream, and minutes at
This is a public meeting of the Somerville High School Building Committee.
Official Licensing Commission public meeting where planning staff will update the commission on legislation, zoning, and procedures regarding recreational marijuana. All are welcome to attend but the Commission is not required to take public testimony.

This is a Special Licensing Commission meeting where staff will inform and update the Commission on legislation, zoning, and procedures regarding recreational marijuana.
Have you recently experienced the loss of a loved one and are in need of support?
The SCOA is running a bereavement support group.
Please see flyer for dates and details.
Chinese New Year Bingo & Lunch
"Year of the Pig"
Please see flyer for details.

A public meeting for all interested parties will be held by the Design Review Committee.
This is a special meeting of the Job Creation and Retention Trust Board of Trustees.
Public meeting of the Legislative Matters Committee. View agenda, live video stream, and minutes at
Public meeting of the Somerville Redevelopment Authority.
Free monthly blood pressure screening
at our Holland Street Center.
Please see flyer for details.
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