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This event has been canceled due to forecast snow. Please check back for a rescheduled date.


Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and Rail and Glass, LLC are pleased to announce three (3) income-restricted condos located at 25-37 Woodbine Street. Units will be ready for occupancy upon purchase. Applications are only available between Jan. 10th at 6:30 PM to March 11th 2019 at 2 p.m. 

At the conclusion of the first info session on Jan. 10th, applications will be available at at City Hall, the Somerville Public Libraries and at the Housing Division Office.

For more information on Rail and Glass visit to view information about the amenities, floor plans, and development in general.

Unit # & Type Sales Price* Monthly Condo Fee # Bathrooms Approx. Size (Sq. Ft.) Min. Household Size

80% Area Median Income (AMI) Units

101 2 BR $176,269 $72 1 1,020 2
205 3 BR $201,789 $74 2 1,352 3

81-110% AMI Unit

204 2 BR $250,113 $102 2 1,166 2

*One deeded parking space in garage per unit is included in the price
**Condo fees are set by the Condo Association after initial year and are subject to change


Gross Annual Income Ranges

(Adjusted by Household Size and Unit

Household Size Units 101 & 205 set at 80% AMI Unit No. 204 set at 81-110% AMI
2 (Not eligible for Unit 205) $64,900 $64,901 - $94,864
3 $73,000 $73,001 – $106,800
4 $81,100 $81,001 - $118,580
5 $87,600 $81,001 - $118,580

Both head of households cannot be full-time students; units subject to Affordable Housing Restriction in perpetuity, other restrictions may apply. Please refer to information packet and application for more information.

Applicants are highly encouraged to attend an information session and open house before
submitting an application.

Info Sessions: No. 1-Thurs. Jan. 10, 2019 6:30PM: ESCS Auditorium @ 50 Cross Street, Somerville (Cross St. entrance) No. 2- Wed. Feb. 6, 2019 11AM- 12PM: VNA @ 259 Lowell Street, Somerville

Open Houses: No.1- Sat. Jan. 12 at 10AM-12PM & No. 2- Tues. Feb. 12 at 6PM-8PM @ 25-37 Woodbine Street, Somerville

All households must submit a valid first-time homebuyer’s training class certificate OR proof of current enrollment in a firsttime homebuyer’s training class ending before May 15th 2019 AND a mortgage pre-approval letter incl. an interest rate/range valid through the lottery date.

Application Deadline: Applications must be completed and delivered before 2PM on Monday March 11, 2019 to the City
of Somerville Housing Division at 50 Evergreen Ave., Somerville, MA 02145, faxed to 617-666-8035 or emailed to:

Late or incomplete applications will not be entered into the lottery. Applications sent to other emails will not be

Lottery: Mon. March 28, 2019 at 11AM @ the City Hall Aldermanic Chambers located @ 93 Highland Ave., Somerville or viewed at



 Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s Manager of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or 

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Virtual Exercise Strength & Balance

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