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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 16, 2025

Urban Forestry Committee Meeting

Public meeting of the Urban Forestry Committee. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.

Metro Boston Homeland Security Region's JPOC Meeting

Public meeting of a regional group with participants and topics of discussion that relate to the metro Boston region. The meeting will be held virtually.

Virtual & Call-In COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A Discussion

Somerville residents and workers are invited to join a virtual (online and phone) COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A hosted by the Somerville Health and Human Services Department and the Cambridge Health Alliance.   

Commission on Energy Use and Climate Change Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Commission on Energy Use and Climate Change. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law. 

Housing and Community Development Committee Meeting

Public meeting of the Housing and Community Development Committee. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law. 

Poplar Street Pump Station Project Public Meeting

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Ward 2 Councilor J.T. Scott, and City staff invite you to attend a virtual community meeting to introduce the Poplar Street Pump Station preliminary design and its integration with the ArtFarm project. 

Housing and Community Development Committee Meeting

Public meeting of the Housing and Community Development Committee. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law. 

Board of Library Trustees Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Board of Library Trustees. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.

Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.

The meeting will be held using GoToWebinar.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Seminar (Portuguese)

Atenção pequenos empresarios!! Webinar em língua português sobre as recentes alterações ao PPP 14 de abril, às 5:00 ET

Junte-se à SBA na quarta-feira, para um webinar em língua português sobre as recentes alterações ao programa de proteção de pagamentos.

Os altifalantes da SBA descreverão:

Nexos Somerville Radio Show: Dr. Julia Koelher COVID-19 Vaccine

Tune in live at

Somerville Housing Authority Meeting

Public meeting of the Somerville Housing Authority. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.

The public is invited to listen to the meeting via phone, computer, laptop, or tablet. To do so, download the “GoToMeeting” app in any app store or at

Music & Movement with Steve (Council on Aging)

Join Steve as he plays guitar, sings and leads gentle movements. Just tapping your toe or singing along can help move your body in new ways. Being physically active is not just good for our bodies, but it is also one of Mental Health America’s 10 tools to building resiliency; or the ability to overcome obstacles and manage through tough times.

Pathways to Citizenship: Beginner ESOL/Civics Class

This class will be held on Wednesdays from 10-12 (from March 3-June 2) on Zoom and is for adults who are interested in improving their English skills in order to apply for US citizenship. Registration is required:

Somerville Commission for Persons With Disabilities Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Commission for Persons with Disabilities. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.

27 Cutter Street Unit D Open House

This property is part of Somerville's Inclusionary Housing Program. 

Information and Application Packet

Somerville Job Creation and Retention Trust Meeting

Public meeting of the Confirmation of the Job Creation and Retention Trust. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.

Online meeting login

Confirmation of Appointments and Personnel Matters Committee Meeting

Public meeting of the Confirmation of Appointments and Personnel Matters Committee. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.

Urban Design Commission Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Urban Design Commission. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.

Bike Share Public Meeting

Learn more about your public bike share! Bluebikes is co-owned and managed by the municipalities of Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, Everett, and Somerville. At our spring meeting, we will look back at bike share in 2020 and share what to expect in 2021.

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