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CITY AIMS TO GAIN ADDITIONAL STATE MATCHING FUNDS FOR COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT FUND City to request a $1.35M appropriation that would qualify Somerville for $360,000 to $670,000 in extra state matching funds for affordable housing, open space, outdoor recreation and historic preservation SOMERVILLE – In an effort to maximize the State’s contribution to Somerville’s Community Preservation Act (CPA) Fund, which is dedicated to affordable housing, open space, outdoor recreation and historic…


SOMERVILLE - This week, as City crews begin preparatory work for the City's annual roadway improvement program andrepaving schedule, Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone announced Somerville's commitment to an additional $1.38 million in the City's Capital Investment Plan, more than doubling the existing $1.13 million already allocated through federal Chapter 90 funds in fiscal year 2014. The additional funding will supplement existing roadway improvement and repaving work, and increase…


  SOMERVILLE - In just three months, the Somerville Department of Public Works is on pace to break its record for potholes filled within one calendar year. After completing 1,520 externally and internally generated work orders for potholes in 2013, DPW crews have already filled 1,147 potholes through March 2014, including 552 in March alone. The annual average for potholes filled is 1,399, and the City is calling on residents to help keep the blitz going by reporting any and all pothole…


SOMERVILLE - The City of Somerville has begun its nationwide search for its next Chief of Police, Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone announced this week, beginning with a public hearing last week and the recent formation of the Police Chief Selection Committee. Kicking off the process with its first organizational meeting, the Committee will meet over the course of several months to review candidates and select finalists to submit to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for consideration. The Selection…

City, State, Youth Agencies Conducting Youth Homelessness Survey

The City of Somerville, working in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development, is conducting a survey of young residents up to age 24 who are currently homeless or may be at risk of becoming homeless. From Jan. 30 through Feb. 5, Massachusetts is conducting its first statewide census of unaccompanied homeless youth who are not in the physical custody or care of a parent or legal guardian and who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.…

City Seeks Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Assessment Grant

    The City of Somerville is responding to a call for grant proposals from the EPA. Application will be made to the EPA Brownfield Grant Program. The City is seeking a total of $200,000 in funding to use toward a citywide assessment of brownfield issues.     For more information, or to comment on the grant application, please contact Amanda Maher, Economic Development Specialist, by mail at the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, City Hall, 93 Highland…

Online fundraiser to benefit Mobile Market EBT matches

CITY, SHAPE UP SOMERVILLE KICK OFF “Citizinvestor” CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN TO SUPPORT MOBILE FARMERS MARKET SUBSIDY PROGRAM SOMERVILLE - The City of Somerville's Mobile Farmers Market program needs your help-and a nifty online crowdfunding campaign makes it easy to give once during the holidays to provide meaningful help to low-income families all year. Each week a truck carrying affordable fresh fruits and vegetables rolls up to Somerville's two housing developments and a senior activity center…

Public Hearing on Appointments to the BOA

The Legislative Matters Committee of the Board of Alderman will hold a public hearing on the proposal that the Board of Alderman approve a Home Rule Petition to amend Section 7 of Title 2 of Division 1 of the City Charter regarding filling vacancies on the Board.  Potential methods for filling vacancies to the Board will be discussed including the options for possible methods posted online at: The board will be taking testimony from the public and all are…

Somerville Community Blood Drive

Sponsored by the Somerville City Hall &the Somerville High School Health Career Students   Monday, May 14, 2012 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Somerville High School Field House 81 Highland Avenue   For appointments, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit or sign-up in the Health Careers Program Classroom.


SOMERVILLE - Has your house been determined in the past to have historic significance? If so, a plaque is available for your designated home through the City of Somerville's Historic Plaque Program. The program is overseen by the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission (SHPC), as part of the Commission's mission to identify, commemorate and honor the important people, places and events that have contributed to Somerville's rich heritage.   Eligible homeowners can purchase the…

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