Boston Bruins Alumni vs. Lowell Police Hockey team.
About the Event
Please note:
This page is about a past event. Visit for upcoming events.
This is a public meeting.
Regular Meeting for the Non-Contributory SRB Meeting
- Approving and signing Minutes of prior meeting(s).
- Any Updates or issues.
- Regular Meeting for the Contributory SRB Meeting
- Approving and signing the regular minutes of prior meeting(s).
- Approve issuing payment for Vendor Expense Warrant # 10-2014 and Retiree Payroll Warrant # 10-2014 for the month of October.
- Accept and process Applications for Withdrawal of Accumulated Total Deductions, account transfer requests, and Buyback and Makeup requests.
- Accept and process received Retirement Applications.
- Sign new Membership certificates; Issue any new Member suspension letters
- Financial review; bank reconciliations, trial balance, receipts & disbursement journals.
- Disability Retirements and updates.
- PERAC memos received.
- Any legal or legislative updates.
- Any Death notices.
- Discuss and review any new Policies & Procedures or Supplemental Regulations.
- Annual review and update from any Investment Managers.
- Any Accidental Disability retiree overearnings.
- Involuntary Retirement Application updates or hearings.
- Letter received from Comerica regarding GlobeTax.
- Continue Fossil Fuel divestment presentation discussion.
- Cypress Asset Management securities and correspondence.
- Any new business any other items not reasonably anticipated at the time of the meeting posting.
The SRB may go into Executive Session in order to discuss litigation, collective bargaining, medical or personnel matters.
Event Documents
Document Type | Time Posted | |
Agenda | Jul 20, 2022, 3:58am |
Upcoming Events
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Event
Community members are invited to celebrate the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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