General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
Event |
On Saturday, Dec. 13, residents and visitors are invited to the Somerville Arts Council’s Illuminations beginning at 4:30 p.m. The popular tour takes attendees aboard trolleys across the City to discover some of the most brightly decorated homes throughout the City for the holiday season. Tours depart from the City Hall Concourse every 45 minutes. Refreshments, choral music and craft activities will be available inside City Hall. Residents interested in having their homes featured on the tour should contact the Somerville Arts Council at 617-625-6600 ext 2985 by Wed., Dec. 3.
If applicable, any related agendas, minutes, audio/video recordings, and other materials will appear here.
General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
Virtual Exercise Strength & Balance
See flyer for details
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