The Somerville Public Library in partnership with St. Mark Community Education Program and MIRA is offering a free, 9 week English for U.S. Citizenship Class.
About the Event
Event |
Thursday, May 26th : Historic Preservation Awards Ceremony. A reception, with light refreshments, will start at 6:30 p.m. and be followed by a ceremony to honor 13 Somerville owners for their award winning preservation work on the exterior of their properties. The properties include historically designated homes, older houses, and a new “Inspiring Streetscape” Award in the City. SHS students will also present their original drawings of each property to the owners. The event takes place at the Somerville Museum at One Westwood Road, at the corner of Central Street.
Event Documents
If applicable, any related agendas, minutes, audio/video recordings, and other materials will appear here.

Upcoming Events
There will be a second neighborhood meeting regarding the proposed three-unit development at 44 WHITE STREET sponsored by Ward 5 City Councilor Naima Sait
The City of Somerville is launching a Consolidated Rental Waitlist to simplify the application process for income-restricted rental units.
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