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About the Event

Please note: This page is about a past event. Visit for upcoming events.

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Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this public meeting of the Gilman Square City Redevelopment Parcels Civic Advisory Committee (CAC) is being conducted via remote participation.

We will post an audio-video recording of these proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting on the City of Somerville website.

The meeting will be held using Zoom Webinar.

To register in advance:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the ADA Coordinator, Adrienne Pomeroy, at 617-625-6600 x2059 or

Event Documents

Document Type Time Posted
Agenda Aug 23, 2024, 11:49am
Video Recording Sep 3, 2024, 11:26am
Minutes Sep 30, 2024, 10:24am



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Add to Calendar 2024-08-29 17:30:00 2024-08-29 19:00:00 Gilman Square City Redevelopment Parcels Civic Advisory Committee Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this public meeting of the Gilman Square City Redevelopment Parcels Civic Advisory Committee (CAC) is being conducted via remote participation.We will post an audio-video recording of these proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting on the City of Somerville website. The meeting will be held using Zoom Webinar. To register in advance: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.   Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the ADA Coordinator, Adrienne Pomeroy, at 617-625-6600 x2059 or America/New_York public `

Upcoming Events

Free In-Person English for U.S. Citizenship Class

The Somerville Public Library in partnership with St. Mark Community Education Program and MIRA is offering a free, 9 week English for U.S. Citizenship Class.

Neighborhood Meeting: 44 White Street

There will be a second neighborhood meeting regarding the proposed three-unit development at 44 WHITE STREET sponsored by Ward 5 City Councilor Naima Sait

Consolidated Rental Waitlist Information Session

The City of Somerville is launching a Consolidated Rental Waitlist to simplify the application process for income-restricted rental units.

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