General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
Event |
Welcome to Somerville Porchfest! This event is designed for performers entertaining in Somerville porches, yards, and driveways. Let's preserve Porchfest: please utilize trash bins, avoid blocking streets, and remember that open-container drinks ARE NOT permitted. Prioritize safety and immerse yourself in the music!
Please be aware that this event brings very large crowds to Somerville, please plan accordingly and inform your neighbors!
PorchFest Somerville 2024 will take place on Sat. May 11th (rain date May12th)
Citywide event, note the different time zones of activity. 12-2pm - West (west of Willow) 2-4pm - Central (from Willow to Central) 4-6pm - East (east of Central)
If applicable, any related agendas, minutes, audio/video recordings, and other materials will appear here.
General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
Virtual Exercise Strength & Balance
See flyer for details
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