General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
Event |
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Ward 6 Councilor Lance Davis, and Ward 7 Councilor Katjana Ballantyne invite you to attend the third virtual community meeting about the Holland Street and College Avenue Mobility Improvements project on Wednesday, December 9, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will take place on the GoToMeeting webinar platform. Register to attend at
At the meeting, staff will review the community process to date and present the proposed final design for changes to improve roadway safety for all users and support sustainable, multimodal transportation. The proposed design includes new crosswalks, protected bike lanes, bus priority lanes, traffic-calming bump-outs, and other changes. Staff will take questions and additional input from community members.
The proposed final design is available for review at somervoice.somervillema.
If applicable, any related agendas, minutes, audio/video recordings, and other materials will appear here.
General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
Virtual Exercise Strength & Balance
See flyer for details
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