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The Somerville City Council will hold a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2021 tax rates on Tuesday, November 24, starting at 7 p.m.

At this annual hearing the Chief Assessor, on behalf of the Board of Assessors, presents two requests to the Council that are taken up for a vote:

1) a request to approve a maximum shift of 1.75% of the overall tax burden from residential to commercial properties;

2) a request to allow the City to continue to offer the annual residential tax exemption, which allows owners who occupy their property as a primary residence to receive a reduction in their property tax up to a set maximum.

There are two ways residents can submit testimony:

  • To attend and be heard, enter this link exactly as it appears into your internet browser any time before the meeting: You can also find this link on the City website’s calendar. You will then be asked to register, and after registering, you will receive an email with instructions to join the webinar.

  • If you are unable to attend but wish to be heard, you may email your comments to; send them by US mail to the City Clerk, 93 Highland Avenue, Somerville, MA, 02143; or drop them into the secure drop box outside the back door on the School Street side of City Hall. Your comments must arrive by 7 p.m. on November 24.

View Presentation Slides

Assessor's FY21 Classification Hearing Slides

Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication (i.e., CART, ASL), written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings should contact Nency Salamoun in advance at 617-625-6600 x2323 or

Event Documents

Document Type Time Posted
Presentation Nov 21, 2020, 2:01pm
Agenda Nov 23, 2020, 1:38am


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