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About the Event

Event |


Public meeting of the Human Rights Commission. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Meeting ID: 936 2582 3166
Password: 394041
Dial-in: +16465588656

Event Documents

Document Type Time Posted
Agenda Nov 5, 2020, 5:40pm
Minutes Dec 14, 2020, 10:43pm




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Virtual Exercise Strength & Balance (Council on Aging)

Every Monday except July 8th & 15th at 1pm on Zoom.

Yoga (Council on Aging)

Classes offer a session of gentle, easy-to-follow movements meant to be performed while sitting or standing.

Yoga (Council on Aging)

Classes offer a session of gentle, easy-to-follow movements meant to be performed while sitting or standing.

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