General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
Event |
Tour guides lead trolleys past the city’s most spectacular residential displays of holiday pomp, sharing stories about the families that decorate and local historic trivia en route. The tours begin and end at Somerville City Hall, where refreshments are served. Entertainment at City Hall includes music by the Somerville Community Chorus and craft activities for children.
Tickets will be on sale at Nibble Kitchen, 1 Bow Market Way (entrance to Bow Market at 345 Somerville Ave.), Union Sq, Somerville. There will be two opportunities to buy tickets: Sunday, Dec. 1, 10am-2pm and Thursday, Dec. 5, 5-8pm. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for children (12 & under) and seniors (60+). Cash or Check only. Proceeds go toward funding the public programs of the Somerville Arts Council. Tickets sell quickly; please plan accordingly. If there are left-over tickets, we sell them at City Hall the night of the event. For more information: go to:
If you can’t get a ticket or want to take a self-guided tour, buy an Illuminations Tour Map for $3 at Porter Square Books, 25 White Street, Cambridge, beginning Mon., Dec. 16th; or pick up a map the night of the event, Somerville City Hall, Dec. 14th, 4:30-9pm. The “Somerville: City of Lights” book and holiday greeting cards will be are on sale at the following stores: Davis Squared, 409 Highland Ave., Somerville; Magpie, 416 Highland Ave., Somerville; Mudflat Studio, 81 Broadway, Somerville; Porter Square Books, 25 White Street, Cambridge. About Nibble Kitchen! Buying Illuminations tickets this year will give you the chance to check out the Arts Council’s new restaurant: Nibble Kitchen, with its rotating global menu!
If applicable, any related agendas, minutes, audio/video recordings, and other materials will appear here.
General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
General Exercise for Seniors
See flyer for additional details.
Virtual Exercise Strength & Balance
See flyer for details
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