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Stay Safe in the Cold: All Somerville Library Locations and the Council on Aging Center (167 Holland St.) will serve as warming centers during business hours on Tues. & Wed. COA building is for seniors only. More info for cold weather safety at Learn about carbon monoxide safety and preventing frozen water pipes.

Water and Sewer Exemptions for Seniors and Others

The Mayor and the City Council have collaborated to approve a discount for water and sewer charges for Seniors and others. The Discount Program allows income-eligible Somerville seniors, surviving spouses, and minors to receive a 25 percent discount on their water and sewer bills.

Eligibility for the Program is based on the same requirements used for two property tax exemptions available to qualifying seniors and others: the 41C or 17D statutory exemptions (in clauses of Chapter 59, Section 5 of the Massachusetts General Laws).

Please note: To remain eligible for water and sewer discounts, you must reapply each year either for the 41C or 17D exemption. To make it easy for you to continue to receive the water and sewer discount, if you apply and qualify for either 41C or 17D through the Assessor’s office, you will also automatically be given the water and sewer discount. Applications for either exemption are available from the Assessor’s Office, which is happy to assist you with the application and answer your questions. Applications are available starting July 1 of each year and are due in early April the following spring. You may request an application then, or for your convenience, the Assessor’s Office mails applications to past year recipients after Labor Day each year.

For information on the specific clauses, please contact the Assessor’s Office or click here.

Programs & Initiatives

If you are a business, consultant, or non-profit that may be able to support Somerville’s business community, we encourage you to respond to our Request for Information (RFI).
Members will develop a recommendation to the Mayor on both the location and scope of a renovated or new school to meet the needs of the Winter Hill Community Innovation School and potentially the Benjamin G. Brown School.

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A description of the issue (if any)
A link to the affected pages

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