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Mayor’s Jobs Programs

The Mayor’s Summer Jobs Program is a 6-week career readiness program for Somerville teens between 14 years old through the summer after they complete high school. The program encourages career exploration, workplace & interpersonal skill development, as well as connection with community and peers. Most positions run from July 8th through August 16th, and each teen will be able to work up to 20 hours a week.

The Mayor's School Year Jobs Program will offer a combination of group and individual project-based work. As a whole group, teens will participate in 2 hours of weekly job-readiness and professional development skill building workshops. Teens will then spend the other 6 hours per week working in departments throughout the City of Somerville.

Learn more about each below. 

Mayor's School Year Jobs Program

The Mayor's School Year Jobs Program will offer a combination of group and individual project-based work. As a whole group, teens will participate in 2 hours of weekly job-readiness and professional development skill building workshops. Teens will then spend the other 6 hours per week working in departments throughout the City of Somerville.

Application Link:

Mia Juarez-Farnsworth
Youth Workplace Learning Coordinator


The City of Somerville is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, disability or any other protected category. Women, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures will be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities free of charge, upon request. 

ADA accommodations logo
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the ADA Coordinator, Adrienne Pomeroy, at 617-625-6600 x2059 or


Mayor’s Summer Jobs Program


2024 Applications are now closed. Summer 2025 Applications will be available in April 2025.

The Mayor’s Summer Jobs Program is a 6-week career readiness program for Somerville teens between 14 years old through the summer after they complete high school.

The program encourages career exploration, workplace & interpersonal skill development, as well as connection with community and peers. Most positions run from July 8th through August 16th, and each teen will be able to work up to 20 hours a week.

Employment opportunities are available in the Parks and Recreation Department, Somerville Public Schools, and across over 20 City of Somerville departments such as Department of Public Works, Police & Fire Department, The Library, Department of Racial and Social Justice, and more! There will also be limited positions available in non-municipal, private businesses and non-profits across the City of Somerville.  

We will be accepting applications between April 1st and April 28th, 2024.

If you have any additional questions, please contact

2024 Applications are now closed. Summer 2025 Applications will be available in April 2025.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much will participants be paid?

All MSJP participants will be paid $17.72 an hour 

What are the eligibility requirements?

In order to participate in the MSJP you must: 

  • Live in or go to school in Somerville. This includes individuals whose graduation year is 2024. 
  • Be eligible to work in the United States. 
  • Be 14 years old by May 5th, 2024.  
Where can I get help with my MSJP application?

Please contact to if you have any questions about your application.

We will also be hosting office hours and workshops to help you with your application:  

  • Office Hours: 3:30-5:30 on Wednesday, April 10th  

Complete your application in-person with support from the city’s Youth Services Team. 

  • Application Workshop: 3:30 on Thursday, April 25th 
  • Interview Workshop: 3:30 on Thursday, May 9th  

All sessions will be at the Central Library Central Branch. Register Here.

What is the placement process for the MSJP?
  1. Apply for the Mayor’s Summer Jobs Program: You must submit your application before the application deadline (application link at the top of this page).
  2. Interview: After you apply, you will receive an email with an invitation to an interview. All interviews will be held during the week of May 13th at Somerville High School. At the interviews, you will have the opportunity to learn more about positions, share your work placement preferences, and ask any questions that you have. All applicants will have the opportunity to indicate the type of work that they are interested in but are not guaranteed a placement in their selected area of interest.
  3. Onboarding and Orientation: All participants must attend one onboarding session and one orientation session. Onboarding and Orientation times are specific to each position and participants must attend their scheduled time or reschedule their appointment.
    1. Onboarding Sessions: June 3rd–7th
    2. Orientation Sessions: June 10th–14th
  4. ALL participants must complete all onboarding documentation before they may report to work. 



Headshot of Brooke Metivier

Brooke Metivier – Teen Space Coordinator, Parks & Recreation Department
Mayor’s Summer Jobs Participant – Summer of 2014, 2015 & 2016 

“During my experience in the program, I learned that being myself is my biggest strength. An authentic and empathetic advocate for our teen community. While I've always had these qualities in me, it was the Mayor’s Summer Jobs Program, and the Somerville Parks and Recreation Department, that saw them as strengths. And here I am, 12 years later getting to be the person to help support teens in the program in becoming authentic, positive, empathetic, and kind leaders in their communities.” 


Headshot of Eleni Grams

Eleni Grams – Human Resources Generalist, Personnel Department
Mayor’s Summer Jobs Participant – Summer of 2015 

“I most enjoyed the introduction to the workforce. It gave me valuable experiences both in learning how to get a job, how to get through the interview and pre-employment process, and experience in an interesting job setting. It is a great learning experience and could even potentially lead to a full-time career down the line like it did for me.” 


Headshot of Jeremy Vallesio

Jeremy Vallesio – Program Manager, Parks & Recreation Department
Mayor’s Summer Jobs Participant – Summer of 2007 & 2008 

“The Mayor’s Summer Jobs Program is a great chance to experience what it’s like to work for the city. There are great people that you can work with who will help guide you through the program and help set you up for success. I had great mentors during the program who led by example and allowed me opportunities to experience things on my own.” 


Headshot of Dan Harris

Dan Harris – Youth Services Coordinator
Mayor’s Summer Jobs Participant – Summer of 2003 

“It was a great first job to have because it exposed me to the professional world in a way that emphasized learning and encouraged exploration and asking questions. It really helped me to start developing those time management and professional executive functioning skills needed for any job. Especially the one I have now, as the current coordinator of the Mayor’s Summer Jobs Program.” 


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