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Contact Information
Sue Yerkes, CPRP
Director of Parks and Recreation
Phone Number
Fax Number

167 Holland St.
Somerville, MA 02144
United States

Employee Directory

Visit the City's Parks and Recreation website, to:

  • Find youth and adult registration forms
  • Make a facility reservation
  • View a calendar of activities
  • Find out how to advertise at City sports venues
  • And more

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Somerville Parks and Recreation 
Citywide Programs of Interest Survey

The City of Somerville offers recreation programs for all ages year-round. Whether you or your family are regular participants or you haven't tried a program yet, we want to better understand how our current programs are meeting your needs. Your feedback will help us adjust existing recreation programs and develop new ones! The survey should take about five minutes, and we appreciate your participation. Thank you!

Please submit website feedback using this form. Be sure to include:

A description of the issue (if any)
A link to the affected pages

Thank you for your feedback!