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About the Somerville Commission for Women

The Somerville Commission for Women was created in March 1988 by City ordinance. The SCW’s bylaws state that the Commission’s purpose is “to act as a centralizing force in the City of Somerville to ensure the equal status of women in educational, economic, political, health, legal, and social spheres including the provision of information, referrals and guidance… [and] to take any action considered appropriate by the SCW to ensure the equal status of women of every race, religion, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, national origin, ability, age and sexual orientation.”

Contact Information
Steven Flythe
RSJ Deputy Director
Phone Number

93 Highland Ave.
Somerville, 02143
United States

Employee Directory

Our People


  • Stephanie Galaitsi
  • Kimberly Sheridan
  • Christina Morone
  • Mallory Carrol

Commissioners are women living in Somerville who volunteer for a three-year term and are appointed by the Mayor. They work with the Staff Liaison, decide on activities and projects the Commission will pursue, and carry out those activities through committee work. The Staff Liaison helps coordinates projects and events, represents the Commission on a variety of committees and task forces, and responds to inquiries from the community.

Volunteers serve on committees and provide essential assistance in organizing and staffing Commission events and activities.

The Work of the Commission

The Commission focuses on advocacy, education, and outreach in regards and on behalf of women.  The Commission has a special focus on anti-violence, financial literacy, empowerment, coalition building, and monitoring and supporting legislation.



Events & Activities


All Commission meetings are open to the public.

The full Commission meets on the Third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Commission meetings take place on Zoom.

We welcome your questions, comments, ideas and participation. If you would like more information or want to be on our mailing list, please contact us.


Women's Data

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

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