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Bid Number Title Opening Date Sort ascending Bid Package File Addendum Bid Results Awarded To
RFQ 20-04 Brown School and West Somerville Neighborhood School Design Services RFQ 20-04 Brown School & WSNS Design Services.pdf Addendum No 1- RFQ 20-04 Brown School and WSNS Design_CORRECTED.pdf UNDER EVALUATION
REBID IFB 19-88 REBID IFB 19-88 Fall Trips for Council on Aging REBID IFB 19-88_Fall Trips for Council on Aging.pdf Addendum No. 1_REBID IFB 19-88.pdf Bid Results for Fall Trips for COA_REBID IFB 19-88.pdf Eagle One Coach, LLC and Senior Excursions, Inc.
RFP 19-87 Lease of Office Space for Inspectional Services Division RFP 19-87 Lease of Office Space for Inspectional Services Department.pdf
RFP 19-89 RFP 19-89 Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bill Services RFP 19-89 Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bill Services.pdf
IFB 19-88 IFB 19-88 Fall Trips for Council on Aging IFB 19-88_Fall Trips for Council on Aging.pdf No Responses Received
RFP 19-82 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy Consulting Services - Phase 2 RFQ 19-82 EV Infrastructure Strategy Consulting Services - Phase 2.pdf
RFP 19-78 RFP 19-78 Lease of Off-Street Parking Facilities RFP 19-78 Lease of Off-Street Parking Facilities.pdf Addendum No. 1 RFP 19-78.pdf Notice of Rejection of All Proposals_ RFP 19-78.pdf No Award Made - All Proposals Rejected
RFP 19-93 RFP 19-93 Website Hosting Services RFP 19-93 Website Hosting Services.pdf Addendum No. 1 to RFP 19-93 Website Hosting Services.pdf RFP Opening Sheet_RFP 19-93.pdf Interpersonal Frequency LLC
REBID RFQ#19-73 REBID RFQ#19-73 Continuum of Care Planning Grant Consultant REBID RFQ 19-73 Continuum of Care Planning Grant Consultant.pdf Addendum No. 1 REBID RFQ 19-73.pdf Opening Form_REBID RFQ 19-73.pdf Karen Byron dba Byron Grant Consulting
IFB 19-91 Allen Street Playground Construction IFB 19-91 Allen Street Playground Construction.pdf BID RESULTS - IFB 19-91 Allen Street Playground Construction.pdf , Notice to Reject All Bids - IFB 19-91 Allen Street Playground Construction.pdf ALL BIDS REJECTED

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