Classes offer a session of gentle, easy-to-follow movements meant to be performed while sitting or standing.
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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Feb 13, 2024
Yoga (Council on Aging)
Classes offer a session of gentle, easy-to-follow movements meant to be performed while sitting or standing.
90 Washington Street Civic Advisory Committee - Meeting #13
Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this public meeting of the 90 Washington Street Civic Advisory Committee is being conducted via remote participation.
CANCELED: Somerville Job Creation and Retention Trust Meeting
This meeting of the Job Creation & Retention Trust is canceled.
CANCELED: Commission on Energy Use and Climate Change Meeting
Due to the snow emergency this meeting is canceled and will be rescheduled.
Somerville Commission for Persons With Disabilities Meeting
This Somerville Commission for Persons with Disabilities Public Meeting will be held REMOTELY on Zoom only.
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