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Proposed FY25 Residential & Commercial Rates

The tables below outline the proposed water and sewer volumetric rates for the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25). The FY25 rates represent the following changes to the prior fiscal year’s rates:

  1. No change to existing base charges for both water and sewer; 
  2. A 0% increase in water volumetric charges;
  3. A 0% increase in sewer volumetric charges. 

The following tables list the new rates. The residential ‘discount tier’ for the first 8 units of usage [8 units x 748 gallons per unit = 5,984 gallons] remains in place.

Table 1: Proposed FY25 Residential Volumetric Charges (Tri-Annual Bills)

FY 2025 Residential Volumetric Charges ($/Billing Unit)

Tier Tier Range (per CCF) Water Sewer Combined
Discount Rate 0-8 $5.53 $11.26 $16.79
Tier 1 9-13 $6.17 $12.52 $18.69
Tier 2 14-67 $8.88 $15.97 $24.85
Tier 3 68-133 $9.30 $16.75 $26.05
Tier 4 Over 133 $9.67 $17.34 $27.01

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water

Table 2: Proposed FY25 Commercial Volumetric Charges (bi-monthly bills)

FY 2025 Commercial Volumetric Charges ($/Billing Unit)
Tier Tier Range (per CCF) Water Sewer Combined
Tier 1 0-13 $6.17 $12.52 $18.69
Tier 2 14-67 $8.88 $15.97 $24.85
Tier 3 68-133 $9.30 $16.75 $26.05
Tier 4 Over 133 $9.67 $17.34 $27.01

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water

If you have any further questions, please contact us at


FY24 Residential & Commercial Rates

FY24 Water & Sewer Rates Now Available

Honorable President and Members of the City Council:

The tables below outline the proposed water and sewer volumetric rates for the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24). The FY24 rate proposal represents the following changes to the current rates:

  1. No change to existing base charges for both water and sewer;
  2. An 11% increase in water volumetric charges;
  3. A 13.5% increase in sewer volumetric charges.

The following tables list the new rates. The residential ‘discount tier’ for the first 8 units of usage [8 units x 748 gallons per unit = 5,984 gallons] remains in place.

Table 1: Proposed FY24 Residential Volumetric Charges (Tri-Annual Bills)

FY 2024 Residential Volumetric Charges ($/Billing Unit)

Tier Tier Range (per CCF) Water Sewer Combined
Discount Rate 0-8 $5.53 $11.26 $16.79
Tier 1 9-13 $6.17 $12.52 $18.69
Tier 2 14-67 $8.88 $15.97 $24.85
Tier 3 68-133 $9.30 $16.75 $26.05
Tier 4 Over 133 $9.67 $17.34 $27.01

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water

Table 2: Proposed FY24 Commercial Volumetric Charges (bi-monthly bills)

FY 2024 Commercial Volumetric Charges ($/Billing Unit)
Tier Tier Range (per CCF) Water Sewer Combined
Tier 1 0-13 $6.17 $12.52 $18.69
Tier 2 14-67 $8.88 $15.97 $24.85
Tier 3 68-133 $9.30 $16.75 $26.05
Tier 4 Over 133 $9.67 $17.34 $27.01

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water

An information session and public hearing were scheduled and conducted for May 15th, 2023, on the City’s virtual platform where the rates of 11% for water and 17% for sewer were presented. The information session began under the premise that the rates would be 12.6% for water and 18.75% for sewer due to anticipated increases in our Debt Service. Considering more favorable factors, new information gained within the few hours leading up to this event, and input from our governing body on May 23rd, we were able to make significant adjustments to the rate schedule as seen above.


FY23 Residential & Commercial Rates

The tables below outline the water and sewer volumetric rates for the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). The FY23 rates represent the following changes to the current rates:

  1. An 11.0% increase in water volumetric charges;
  2. A 12.5% increase in sewer volumetric charges; and
  3. No change to existing base charges for both water and sewer.

The following tables list the new rates as well as the impact to average ratepayers. The residential ‘discount tier’ for the first 8 units of usage [8 units x 748 gallons per unit = 5,984 gallons] remains in place.


Table 1: Total Change In Average Annual Cost For Various Billing Units From Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) To Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) (Including Base and Volumetric Charges)

Total Change in Annual Costs for Various Billing Units (Including Base & Volumetric Charges, Amended)
Total units per bill (in CCF)1 FY22 FY23
Annual total Annual total Total Annual Change (FY21 to FY22) % change
15 (average condo unit)2 $840 $919 $79 9%
18 (average single-family home)2 $1,017 $ 1,118 $101 10%
30 (average two-family home)2 $1,727 $ 1,912 $185 11%
42 (average three-family home)2 $2,437 $ 2,707 $270 11%
110 (average 8-unit apartment building)3 $6,583 $ 7,347 $764 12%


Table 2: FY23 Residential Volumetric Charges (Tri-Annual Bills)

    FY2023 Residential Volumetric Charges ($/Billing Unit*)
Tier Tier Range (per CCF) Water Sewer Combined
Discount rate 0-8 $4.98 $9.92 $14.90
T1 9-13 $5.56 $11.03 $16.59
T2 14-67 $8.00 $14.07 $22.07
T3 68-133 $8.38 $14.76 $23.14
T4 OVER 133 $8.71 $15.28 $23.99

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water


Table 3: FY23 Commercial Volumetric Charges (Bi-Monthly Bills)

    FY2023 Commercial Volumetric Charges ($/Billing Unit*)
Tier Tier Range (per CCF) Water Sewer Combined
T1 0-13 $5.56 $11.03 $16.59
T2 14-67 $8.00 $14.07 $22.07
T3 68-133 $8.38 $14.76 $23.14
T4 OVER 133 $8.71 $15.28 $23.99

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water

FY22 Residential & Commercial Rates


The tables below outline the water and sewer volumetric rates for the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22). The FY22 rates represent the following changes to the current rates:

  1. A 7.0% increase in water volumetric charges;
  2. A 10.5% increase in sewer volumetric charges; and
  3. No change to existing base charges for both water and sewer.

The following tables list the new rates as well as the impact to average ratepayers. The residential ‘discount tier’ for the first 8 units of usage [8 units x 748 gallons per unit = 5,984 gallons] remains in place.


Table 1: Total Change In Average Annual Cost For Various Billing Units From Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) To Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) (Including Base and Volumetric Charges)

Total Change in Annual Costs for Various Billing Units (Including Base & Volumetric Charges, Amended)
Total units per bill (in CCF)1 FY21 FY22
Annual total Annual total Total Annual Change (FY21 to FY22) % change
15 (average condo unit)2 $784 $840 $55.98 7.14%
18 (average single-family home)2 $946 $ 1,017 $70.92 7.49%
30 (average two-family home)2 $1,597 $ 1,727 $130.68 8.18%
42 (average three-family home)2 $2,247 $ 2,437 $190.44 8.48%
110 (average 8-unit apartment building)3 $ 6,043 $ 6,583 $539.40 8.93%


Table 2: FY21 Residential Volumetric Charges (Tri-Annual Bills)

    FY2022 Residential Volumetric Charges ($/Billing Unit*)
Tier Tier Range (per CCF) Water Sewer Combined
Discount rate 0-8 $4.49 $8.82 $13.31
T1 9-13 $5.01 $9.80 $14.81
T2 14-67 $7.21 $12.51 $19.72
T3 68-133 $7.55 $13.12 $20.67
T4 OVER 133 $7.85 $13.58 $21.43

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water


Table 3: FY21 Commercial Volumetric Charges (Bi-Monthly Bills)

    FY2022 Commercial Volumetric Charges ($/Billing Unit*)
Tier Tier Range (per CCF) Water Sewer Combined
T1 0-10 $5.01 $9.80 $14.81
T2 11-100 $7.21 $12.51 $19.72
T3 101-200 $7.55 $13.12 $20.67
T4 OVER 200 $7.85 $13.58 $21.43

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water


FY21 Residential & Commercial Rates


The tables below outline the water and sewer volumetric rates for the Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21). The FY21 rates represent the following changes to the current rates:

  1. A 7.5% increase in water volumetric charges;
  2. A 2.5% increase in sewer volumetric charges; and
  3. No change to existing base charges for both water and sewer.

The following tables list the new rates as well as the impact to average ratepayers. The residential ‘discount tier’ for the first 8 units of usage [8 units x 748 gallons per unit = 5,984 gallons] remains in place.


FY21 Residential Volumetric Charges (Tri-Annual Bills)

    FY2021 Residential Volumetric Charges ($/billing unit*)
Tier Tier Range (per CCF) Water Sewer Combined
Discount rate 0-8 4.20 7.98 12.18
T1 9-13 4.68 8.87 13.55
T2 14-67 6.74 11.32 18.06
T3 68-133 7.06 11.87 18.93
T4 OVER 133 7.34 12.29 19.63

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water


FY21 Commercial Volumetric Charges (Bi-Monthly Bills)

    FY2020 Commercial Volumetric Charges ($/billing unit*)
Tier Tier Range (per CCF) Water Sewer Combined
T1 0-10 4.68 8.87 13.55
T2 11-100 6.74 11.32 18.06
T3 101-200 7.06 11.87 18.93
T4 OVER 200 7.34 12.29 19.63

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water


FY20 Residential & Commercial Rates


Information Session

An information session and public hearing was held at 6 p.m. on Monday, April 22 at the Somerville High School Cafeteria at 81 Highland Ave. Click here to view a PDF of the presentation slides from the information session.

Accepted Rates

Pursuant to Chapter 11, Section 11-125 and Section 11-164 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Somerville, the tables below outline the amended water and sewer volumetric rates for the Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20). Given the substantial need for investment in our aging and fragile water and sewer system and the increasingly strict regulatory environment we confront, the Administration’s original rate proposal, submitted on March 25, 2019, included increases of 6% for water and 7.5% for sewer. The Council rejected these rate increases on May 9, 2019.

Though the Administration continues to emphasize that the original rate proposal is the appropriate and responsible choice in light of our system needs, we now submit the following amended rate proposal:

  1. A 5% increase in water volumetric charges;
  2. A 5.5% increase in sewer volumetric charges;
  3. No change to existing base charges for both water and sewer; and,
  4. The creation of a Discount Tier for all ratepayers billed tri-annually that aims to provide particular relief to low-volume users.

The first table on the next page describes the updated residential tiers, which reflect the addition of the Discount Tier for any usage under 8 units [748 gallons per unit x 8 units, or 5,984 gallons of water].

If you have any questions, please contact me at

For additional information about these water and sewer rate changes, please see the rate recommendation memorandum from our consultant, Woodard & Curran.

Accepted FY20 Residential Volumetric Charges (Tri-Annual Bills)


FY 2020 Volumetric Charges
($/billing unit*)


(units of 100 cubic feet)




Discount Rate




















T4 OVER 133 $6.83 $11.99 $18.82

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water

Accepted FY20 Commercial Volumetric Charges (Bi-Monthly Bills)


FY 2020 Volumetric Charges
($/billing unit*)


(units of 100 cubic feet)



















T4 OVER 200 $6.83 $11.99 $18.82

*One unit = 100 cubic feet (CCF) or 748 gallons of water


FY19 Residential & Commercial Rates



FY2019 Volumetric Charges ($/unit)


(units of 100 cubic feet)




















OVER 133




(100 cubic feet is equal to 748 gallons)



FY2019 Volumetric Charges ($/unit)


(units of 100 cubic feet)




















OVER 200




(100 cubic feet is equal to 748 gallons)

More Information

If you have any further questions, please contact the Water and Sewer Department at 617-625-6600 ext. 5850.

Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact should contact Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or


Programs & Initiatives

We're addressing excessive use of force and systemic racism at all levels so that we can equitably serve our entire community.
Members will develop a recommendation to the Mayor on both the location and scope of a renovated or new school to meet the needs of the Winter Hill Community Innovation School and potentially the Benjamin G. Brown School.

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