About the Water and Sewer Department
Important Information & AlertsLearn How to Prevent Frozen Water Pipes Delayed Bills Please be informed that November Water & Sewer bills have been processed and will be mailed this week. These bills reflect usage volume from 7/15/24 to 11/15/24. Any billed charges will be due within 45 days of the revised bill date. If you have questions, contact the Water and Sewer Department at 617-625-6600 or water@somervillema.gov. Bill Increase or Credit Following Meter Replacement For additional information and answers to some frequently asked questions, please click here. This may result in the bill following the water meter replacement being higher or showing a credit on the account. The subsequent bill will return to being reflective of actual meter readings. To schedule an appointment for your meter replacement, please contact Mass Installation, Inc. at http://massinstallation.com/appointment/ or by phone at 1-800-933-1360, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. You can also leave a message with their 24-hour answering service. Citywide Water Meter Replacement Project In our continuing efforts to improve our utility service to you, the City of Somerville, Department of Water and Sewer, (617) 625-6600 ext. 5850, needs to replace the water meter or meter transmitting unit (MTU) at your home or business and has contracted with Mass Installation, Inc. There is no cost to you for any of the needed work. To schedule an appointment for your meter replacement, please contact Mass Installation, Inc. (MIi), our Installation contractor, at 1-800-933-1360, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. You may also leave a message with their 24-hour answering service. MIi will attempt to arrange an appointment time that is convenient for you. The average installation time is approximately less than one (1) hour. You may also go to http://massinstallation.com/appointment/ to request an appointment time through our website, and MIi will contact you to confirm your appointment. Participation In the City of Somerville Meter Replacement program Is MANDATORY. Thank you for your prompt response and cooperation. How to check for water leaks The average leak can account for nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year, with ten percent of properties having leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day causing high water and sewer bills. Common types of leaks found are worn toilet flappers, dripping faucets, and other leaking valves. These types of leaks are often easy to fix, requiring only a few tools and hardware that can pay for themselves in water savings. Fixing easily corrected water leaks can save ratepayers about 10 percent on their water bills.To learn more about water leaks and what you can do please visit https://www.somervillema.gov/waterleaks. |
About the Water and Sewer Department
The Somerville Water Department maintains, repairs and improves the City's 118 miles of water mains, 1,500 fire hydrants and 15,600 water service connections and meters, ensuring high-quality and dependable service. The Water and Sewer Department uses state-of-the-art technology and works in a fiscally responsible manner to keep water and sewer service affordable. The Department also assists with snow removal and emergency responses.
Dial 311 (617-666-3311 outside Somerville) to report a problem with water or sewer service.
Contact Information
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
17 Franey Rd.
Somerville, MA 02145
United States
Employee Directory
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You may pay your water and sewer bill online or in person at the Treasurer’s Office at Somerville City Hall (93 Highland Avenue).
Pay water and Sewer bills online
Make and manage payments for your water and sewer service using our City Hall Systems portal.
How to read your water bill
View a PDF guide to the City's water bills.
Water and sewer rates
View current water and sewer charges per 100 cubic feet as well as base water and sewer charges.
Permit fee schedule
View a fee schedule for each of the City's water and sewer services.
Abatement policy and request form
Read our policy on abatements for water and sewer bills, download an abatement request form.
Exemptions for seniors and others
The Discount Program allows income-eligible Somerville seniors, surviving spouses, and minors to receive a 25 percent discount on their water and sewer bills.
Request a final water and Sewer bill
Request a final meter reading and bill of sale to use during an ownership transfer.
Monitoring Your Water Usage with WaterScope
You can learn more about your new smart water meter here And how it will help you monitor your usage.
If your meter has been recently replaced but you don’t have a login for WaterScope yet, please fill complete the Opt-In Form and send it to water@somervillema.gov.
This video will help you navigate through the WaterScope Portal, as well as this quick reference guide.
Dial 311 (617-666-3311 outside Somerville) to report a problem with water or sewer service.
Among the water services offered by the Somerville Water & Sewer Department:
- Responding to emergency calls: no water
- Mark -outs (Digsafe)
- Installation of meters and automatic reading devices
- Inspections of new water mains and water lines
- Flushing water mains
- Replacing water mains
- Repairing/replacing hydrants
- Exercising valves/repair or replace valves
- Water sampling (DEP required)
- Meter reading
- Billing
Important message to customers about lead in drinking water
Read our letter and view information from the MWRA.
Lead service replacement program
Have your property’s lead or non-copper water service line replaced, free of charge.
Boil water order information
Learn what steps you must take if the City issues a boil water order.
Backflow prevention and cross-connection information
Learn about Mass DEP's requirements for the approval of new water line installations and upgrades.
Prevent & Fix Leaks: WaterScope Sign-Up
The average leak can account for nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year, with ten percent of properties having leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day causing high water and sewer bills. Common types of leaks found are worn toilet flappers, dripping faucets, and other leaking valves. These types of leaks are often easy to fix, requiring only a few tools and hardware that can pay for themselves in water savings. Fixing easily corrected water leaks can save ratepayers about 10 percent on their water bills.To learn more about water leaks and what you can do please visit https://www.somervillema.gov/waterleaks.
Prevent Frozen Pipes
Frozen pipes can be a real risk during colder months. There are simple steps you can take to help prevent frozen or burst pipes when the temperature drops. Read more about what you can do to protect your pipes from the cold on our Prevent Frozen Water Pipes page.
Dial 311 (617-666-3311 outside Somerville) to report a problem with water or sewer service.
Among the sewer services offered by the Somerville Water & Sewer Department:
- Responding to emergency calls: backups
- Catch basin cleaning
- Repairing City sewers
- Reducing Inflow and Infiltration
- Monitoring Pump Stations
Dial 311 (617-666-3311 outside Somerville) to report a problem with water or sewer service.
View submetering laws for tenants and landlords
Download a brochure that explains when a tenant can be billed directly by landlords.
Permits and Info For Contractors
Permit fee schedule
View a fee schedule for each of the City's water and sewer services.
In conjunction with the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection 310 CMR 22.22, the following procedures apply:
- No plumbing permit shall be issued for cross connection installations requiring Reduced Pressure Zone Backflow Preventers or Double Check Valve Assemblies until the application for such permit is accompanied by a letter of approval from the Department, its Designee or public water system. (http://www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/massdep/water/drinking/water-systems-ops.html#8)
- The Owner or Agent must deliver design data sheets, a drawing of the plans for installation of the reduced pressure backflow preventer or double check valve assembly, along with a $25 permit fee, to the Water Superintendent prior to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the installation of the device.
- The Water Superintendent will issue a permit.
- If the device is installed prior to obtaining the permit, the permit fee will be doubled to $50.
- No more than fourteen days from the installation of the device, the Owner or agent must schedule an appointment for inspecting the device installation.
- No water will be turned on unless the Water Superintendent has notification from the Cross Connection Control tester that the device passes the required test.
For approval of new water line installation/upgrade and to have the water turned on:
- Owner/agent must deliver a copy of the utility plans to the Water Superintendent.
- The Water Superintendent issues the permit for a water tap based on these plans.
- Prior to backfilling the trench, the owner/agent must call the Water Foreman for an inspection of the piping and the meter installation.
- Billing Dispute Form
- Drain Layer License Application (Issued by the City Clerk’s Office)
- Final Sale Form (Request Final Water Bill) - Download PDF
- Final Sale Form (Request Final Water Bill) - Submit Online
- Hydrant Permit
- New Water Service Application
- Water Main Tap Permit
- Flow Test Permit
Water Quality Reports
- MWRA Drinking Water Test Results (PDF)
- MWRA Brochure
- Important Message to Customers About Lead in Drinking Water
Easy Ways to Protect Our Waterways
Other Information
- Annual Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Report
- Backflow Device Design Data and Numbering Plan
- Cross-Connections Control Fact Sheet
- How to Read Your Water Bill
- Hydrant Use Policy
- Important Message to Customers About Lead in Drinking Water
- List of Licensed Drain Layers
- MWRA Drinking Water Test Results
- Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Policies & Plans
- Permit Fee Schedule
- Request for Abatement Consideration Form
- Senior Discount Program Letter
- Sewer, Drain, and Infiltration/Inflow Policy
- Submetering Laws for Landlords
The Water department routinely replaces automated meter readers and water meters on the inside and outside of homes and businesses in order to ensure equipment functions properly. Department staff make every effort to contact property owners regarding necessary repairs. When contact information is incorrect or no response is received, Department personnel may visit a property to obtain access to malfunctioning equipment.
In all cases, personnel will be upholding recommended health guidelines, including wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and practicing safe physical distancing. Meter technicians and supporting personnel will always be wearing identifiable uniforms that say either "City of Somerville" or "Mass Installation." Please call 311 or e-mail water@somervillema.gov with any questions or concerns.
The Water and Sewer Department has contracted with Mass Installation Inc. to replace the water meter or meter transmitting unit (MTU) at your home or business and has contracted with Mass Installation, Inc.
Participation is mandatory, but there is no cost to you for any of the work.
To schedule an appointment for your meter replacement, please contact Mass Installation, Inc. at 1-800-933-1360, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. You can also leave a message with their 24-hour answering service.
Mass Installation will schedule an appointment time that is convenient for you. The average installation time is approximately less than one (1) hour.
You may also go to http://massinstallation.com/appointment/ to request an appointment time through our website.
For additional information and answers to some frequently asked questions, please click here.
Adopt-a-Drain Program
Help keep our waterways clean by adopting a drain in your neighborhood! Through Somerville’s Adopt-a-Drain program, residents and business owners can volunteer to care for a local storm drain and check on it before and after heavy rain, wind, or snow.
What is an Adopt-a-Drain program? What does it mean to adopt a drain?
An Adopt-a-Drain program is a volunteer program that helps keep our local environment clean and healthy. Participants sign up to adopt a drain (or drains!) and then check on that drain before and after heavy rain, wind, or snow. Any extra care is even better! Anything that goes down the drain can end up in the Mystic River, the Alewife Brook, or the Charles River. Keeping the drains clear can also help prevent streets from flooding as it ensures that water can freely flow down the drain.
What am I adopting? What is a storm drain?
Storm drains (or catch basins, as engineers like to call them) are the grates you see in our streets and roads. They’ll be to the side of the road, along the curb, and in Somerville are typically square. Since asphalt and pavement can’t absorb water, any rain and melting snow flow along the street and into these drains.
A basin below the grates, called a catch basin sump, is meant to collect this water and any debris but it can fill up quickly and doesn’t capture everything.

Trash and leaves can clog drains, cause flooding, and pollute our waterways.

A clear drain means water can flow into the catch basin sump.
How can I get involved?
Just head to the Somerville Adopt-a-Drain page to sign up! Find a drain by typing in a nearby address or by dragging the map. If the drain you want to adopt is available, you can claim it by clicking on it. Sign up for the program, give your drain a name, and keep an eye out for a welcome email with more info! You can adopt as many drains as you would like to care for.
Programs & Initiatives
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