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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 15, 2025

Golden Gatherings Exercise Session (Council on Aging)

Join our friends at the Mystic Learning Center while, SCOA's Health and Wellness Coordinator, Phelan leads a Fit-4-Life exercise session. 

Metro Boston Homeland Security Region's JPOC Meeting

Public meeting of a regional group with participants and topics of discussion that relate to the metro Boston region. The meeting will be held virtually.

Bingo (Council on Aging)

Lunch available following Bingo.

Virtual Ageless Grace (Council on Aging)

Ageless Grace is a fitness and wellness program consisting of 21 exercise tools designed for all ages and abilities.

City Council’s Special Committee on Charter Review Public Hearing

There will be a Public Hearing before the City Council’s Special Committee on Charter Review, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on proposed changes to the City Charter: Charter Review Committee conveying its recommendations and proposed Charter text.

Board of Library Trustees Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Board of Library Trustees.

Virtual Fit-4-Life Class (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

Music & Munch (Council on Aging)

This one-hour session via Zoom will treat you to a playlist of diverse musical offerings: a little jazz, some "oldies but goodies," a smidgen of classical, a dip into barbershop, a trip to Broadway. The music is taped but the experience is live. Your guide is Somerville Resident, Laura Zoll, trained as a medieval musicologist and with a life-long love of all things musical.

Fit-4-Life at Holland St. Center (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

Walk-In Flu & COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

Bivalent Covid-19 (Pfizer) for 12+ and Flu for all ages will be available.

Movie Matinee (Council on Aging)

Showing will be: 27 Dresses

Finding A Balance to Reset Your Healthy Diet (Council on Aging)

Starting Wednesday, January 11th and continuing on January 18th, 25th, & February 1st, 8th & 15th at 10:00am at the Holland Street Center.

Bowling (Council on Aging)

We will be bowling on Wednesday mornings from 9:00am - 11:00 on January 4th, January 11th & January 18th

Fit-4-Life at Holland St. Center (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

Commission on Energy Use and Climate Change Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 107 of the Acts of 2022, this meeting of the Commission on Energy Use and Climate Change will be conducted via remote participation.

Somerville Commission for Persons With Disabilities Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 107 of the Acts of 2022, this public meeting will be conducted via remote participation.

CANCELED: Urban Design Commission Meeting

This meeting is canceled. There will be no Urban Design Commission meeting this month. 

Bingo (Council on Aging)

Ralph & Jenny Center starting at 10:00am 9 New Washington Street

Virtual Strength & Balance Class (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

Fit-4-Life at Holland St. Center (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

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