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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 17, 2025

Bingo (Council on Aging)

Lunch available following Bingo.

Yoga (Council on Aging)

Easy-to-follow program lets you stretch and relax.

Comcast License Renewal Public Hearing

The City of Somerville, by the Mayor as the statutory Cable License Issuing Authority, will hold a cable license renewal public hearing on Monday, February 13, 2023, at 6pm pertaining to Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC (Comcast) in connection with the possible issuance of a cable television renewal license to Comcast.

Line Dancing with Julie Kaufmann (Council on Aging)

Join Julie Kaufmann for this beginner’s class meant to introduce you to dancing as a new way to be physically active.

Virtual Strength & Balance Class (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

Nutrition Class (Council on Aging)

Finding a balance to reset your healthy diet.

Fit-4-Life at Holland St. Center (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

Fit-4-Life at Holland St. Center (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

Narcan Distribution

Narcan distribution as well as COVID tests, Fentanyl test strips, face shields for rescue breathing, & more! (while supplies last)

Exercise Program for Older Adults (Somerville Council on Aging)

Join student athletes and coaches from Tufts University as they lead an exercise program designed for all abilities.

Civilian Oversight Webinar Series Part 1

The Department of Racial and Social Justice (RSJ) is hosting a series of webinars for Somerville community members to attend and learn more about civilian oversight models.

Scholarship Committee Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 107 of the Acts of 2022, this public meeting will be conducted via remote participation.

LGBTQIA+ Exercise Class (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

Traffic Commission Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 107 of the Acts of 2022, this public meeting will be conducted via remote participation.

Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 107 of the Acts of 2022, this meeting of the Somerville Affordable Housing Trust will be conducted via remote participation.

LGBTQIA+ Allies Valentine’s Social Group (Council on Aging)

LGBTQIA+ and allies are welcome.  Come and join us for this social gathering.

Virtual Fit-4-Life Class (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

Metro Boston Homeland Security Region's JPOC Meeting

Public meeting of a regional group with participants and topics of discussion that relate to the metro Boston region. The meeting will be held virtually.

Bingo (Council on Aging)

Lunch available following Bingo.

Board of Library Trustees Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Board of Library Trustees.

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