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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 14, 2025

Veterans Group (Council on Aging)

Our beloved Veteran’s Group is returning this December. Please welcome Nancy Blanchard, Veteran’s Program Manager on Tuesday, December 20th at 11:00am at the Holland Street Center. The group will meet monthly on the third Tuesday of the month; all Veterans are welcome! Please call Debby Higgins at 617-625-6600 ext.

Somerville Retirement Board Meeting

Pursuant to the March 12, 2020 Order of the Governor Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. C. 30A, s. 18, this meeting will also be conducted remotely online via the Go To Meeting platform.

Yoga (Council on Aging)

Easy-to-follow program lets you stretch and relax.

Bingo (Council on Aging)

Lunch available following Bingo.

RSJ Community Visioning Focus Group

Please join us for this Department of Racial & Social Justice Community Visioning Focus Group.

Condominium Review Board Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 107 of the Acts of 2022, this public meeting will be conducted via remote participation.

Virtual Strength & Balance Class (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

General Nutrition Classes (Council on Aging)

Somerville Council on Aging General Nutrition Classes.

General Nutrition Classes (Council on Aging) on Zoom

Somerville Council on Aging General Nutrition Classes.

Fit-4-Life (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

Fit-4-Life (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

Menorah Lighting

A ceremonial Menorah Lighting event will take place on the City Hall Concourse beginning at 5 p.m. All members of the community are invited to join Mayor Ballantyne, Rabbi Eliana Jacobowitz, and City staff for a brief ceremony and photo on the City Hall Concourse.

Illuminations Bike Tour

Meet at Somerville City Hall at 5:45 pm, depart at 6 pm.

WONDeROUS: Live Chamber Music and Light Show

Please join us for this free community concert.

Go Green Line! Community Celebration (GLX)

Go Green Line! Community Celebration at Somerville High School. The indoor-outdoor celebration will feature a kid’s choo-choo train ride (outside), live music, indoor children’s activities, an oral history project, a food truck and hot cocoa, other refreshments, a speaking program, and more.

Qigong (Chi Kung)

Qigong (Chi Kung) is a traditional practice focused on coordinated movements, breathing and meditation.

Walking Group (Council on Aging)

Meet at the Holland Street Center: 167 Holland Street.

RSJ Community Visioning Focus Group

Please join us for this Department of Racial & Social Justice Community Visioning Focus Group.

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Planning Update Meeting # 2

The Cities of Cambridge and Somerville and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority are working together to improve our sewers to reduce pollution in our rivers and plan for the future.

Planning Board Meeting

The Somerville Planning Board (PB) will hold a virtual public hearing on Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 6:00pm through GoToWebinar. 

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