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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 15, 2025

Limited Drop-Off Service for Residential Household Hazardous

The City of Somerville will offer limited household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-off service to residents. Residents may dispose of eligible items each Thursday in November and December, excluding Thanksgiving.

Virtual Fit-4-Life (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

Bingo (Council on Aging)

Lunch available following Bingo.

Virtual Fit-4-Life (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

Fit-4-Life (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

Walk-In Flu & COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

Bivalent Covid-19 (Pfizer) for 12+ and Flu for all ages will be available.

Fit-4-Life (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

Yoga (Council on Aging)

Easy-to-follow program lets you stretch and relax.

Bingo (Council on Aging)

Lunch available following Bingo.

Qigong (Chi Kung)

Qigong (Chi Kung) is a traditional practice focused on coordinated movements, breathing and meditation.

Inclusionary Housing Program Virtual Office Hours

The Inclusionary Housing team is hosting weekly, recurring virtual office hours for the public to join and get questions answered, assistance with applications etc. 

Limited Drop-Off Service for Residential Household Hazardous

The City of Somerville will offer limited household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-off service to residents. Residents may dispose of eligible items each Thursday in November and December, excluding Thanksgiving.

Somerville Housing Authority Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 107 of the Acts of 2022, this public meeting will be conducted via remote participation.

Bingo (Council on Aging)

Lunch available following Bingo.

Somerville Redevelopment Authority Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 107 of the Acts of 2022, this meeting of the Somerville Redevelopment Authority will be conducted via remote participation.

Virtual Fit-4-Life (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

Somerville Council on Aging Holiday Pizza Party

Join us for lunch, trivia, and great music as we celebrate the holidays and the New Year. Wear your ugly sweater and vote for your favorite!

Fit-4-Life (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

Healthy Holiday Eating Class (Council on Aging)

Holiday Cooking and Eating can become challenging when trying to stay on an exercise and healthy lifestyle.

Fit-4-Life (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

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