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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 14, 2025

Pathways for Immigrant Workers Legal Information Session

The City of Somerville and Pathways for Immigrant Workers will host a free immigration legal information session for small employers and lower-wage workers.

Planning Board Meeting

The Somerville Planning Board (PB) will hold a virtual public hearing on Thursday, January 5, 2023, at 6:00pm through GoToWebinar. 

ARPA Funding Info Session for Nonprofits

This info session includes a review of application materials and a Q&A.

Metro Boston Homeland Security Region HazMat/K9/EOD Meeting

Under the provisions of G.L. c 30A, the Metro Boston Homeland Security Region will conduct this meeting.

Metro Boston Homeland Security Region US&R Working Group Meeting

Under the provisions of G.L. c 30A, the Metro Boston Homeland Security Region will conduct this meeting.

Bingo (Council on Aging)

Lunch available following Bingo.

Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting

The Somerville Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) will hold a virtual public hearing on January 4, 2023, at 6:00pm through GoToWebinar. 

Fit-4-Life at Holland St. Center (Council on Aging)

Class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving, stay strong and develop healthy habits.

Walk-In Flu & COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

Bivalent Covid-19 (Pfizer) for 12+ and Flu for all ages will be available.

Bowling (Council on Aging)

Join us at Flatbread Company/Sacco Bowl Haven in Davis Square.

Mayor’s State of the City Address

The City of Somerville’s Mid-Term Ceremonies and Addresses by Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, the incoming City Council President, and the incoming Chairperson of the Somerville School Committee will be held in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 93 Highland Ave. All are invited.

Scholarship Committee Meeting

This is an open meeting. 

247th Flag Raising

At Prospect Hill, learn about the important role our community played in the American Revolution, join in patriotic songs, and enjoy light refreshments!

Qigong (Chi Kung)

Qigong (Chi Kung) is a traditional practice focused on coordinated movements, breathing and meditation.

Walking Group (Council on Aging)

Meet at the Holland Street Center: 167 Holland Street.

Virtual LGBTQIA+ Exercise Class (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

Inclusionary Housing Program Virtual Office Hours

The Inclusionary Housing team is hosting weekly, recurring virtual office hours for the public to join and get questions answered, assistance with applications etc. 

Limited Drop-Off Service for Residential Household Hazardous

The City of Somerville will offer limited household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-off service to residents. Residents may dispose of eligible items each Thursday in November and December, excluding Thanksgiving.

Virtual Fit-4-Life (Council on Aging)

Each class focuses on strength, balance and flexibility and is a great way to keep moving and stay strong.

Bingo (Council on Aging)

Lunch available following Bingo.

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