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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 16, 2025

Wine and Cheese Night

Join the Somerville Council on Aging LGBTQ Group for a wine and cheese night. 

Arbor Day Celebration

Join the City of Somerville for an Arbor Day celebration on Monday, December 19, from 11 a.m. to noon, in the Aldermanic Chambers at City Hall. The event will include a presentation and discussion about urban forestry and an official proclamation read by Mayor Curtatone. Light refreshments will be served.

On the Illumination of Lights Tour

Tour guides will lead trolleys past some of the City’s most spectacular displays of holiday lights, sharing stories about the families that decorate and providing local historic trivia en route. Tours depart from the City Hall Concourse every 45 minutes beginning at 4:30 p.m. Refreshments, choral music and craft activities will be available inside City Hall.

Somerville Council on Aging Book Club

Everyone is welcome! Books are available at the Somerville Public Library – Main Branch. Ask for the COA book at the circulation desk, they will check the book out on your library card.

Somerville Historic Preservation Commission Public Hearing

This is a public hearing of the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission. 

Historic Preservation Commission

This is a public meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission.

Traffic Commission Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Traffic Commission. 

Somerville Council on Aging Weekly Arts & Crafts Group

Join us as we learn about a wide range of arts & crafts from weaving to watercolor pencils. We will also be sharing with each other various arts & crafts that we might already do on our own such as needlepoint and knitting.

Green Line Extension Community Meeting

The public is invited to two upcoming meetings hosted by the MBTA and MassDOT to find out the latest updates on the Green Line Extension project. Meetings will be held:

SHS Improvement Council

This is a public meeting of the Somerville High School Improvement Council. 

ArtFarm Community Meeting

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Ward 2 Alderman Maryann Heuston, the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD, and the Somerville Arts Council invite all interested community members to a meeting to discuss ArtFarm, a urban ag and cultural site development, on the former waste transfer site at 10 Popular St. in the Brickbottom neighborhood.

Equity and Inclusion Conversation Conversation

Since the conclusion of this extraordinary election season, we’ve heard from a number of residents in our LGBTQ community of the widespread fear, concern and, at times, intimidation that they are experiencing.

Board of Library Trustees Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Board of Library Trustees. 

Somerville Housing Authority Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Housing Authority. 

Municipal Compensation Advisory Board Meeting

This is an open meeting of the Municipal Compensation Advisory Board. 

Community Preservation Committee Meeting

This is an open meeting of the Community Preservation Committee. 

Open House: Advanced Manufacturing Training

This is an open house information session for the next round of the Advanced Manufacturing training at the high school. 

Afternoon at the Movies: The Polar Express

This movie stars Tom Hanks, Peter Scolari, Leslie Zemeckis and Nona Gaye. This movie runs approximately 1 hour and 39 minutes.

Reminiscing Group

Come join the Reminiscing Group as we go back in time. 

Union Square Civic Advisory Committee Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Union Square Civic Advisory Committee. 

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