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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 15, 2025

Winter Hill Schoolyard Renovation Meeting

This meeting is to discuss design ideas for phase 2 of the WHCS project, the school yard.

Board of Assessors Meeting

Public meeting of the Board of Assessors

Powderhouse Studios Innovation Plan Committee Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Powderhouse Studios Innovation Plan Committee.

Cinemas @ Central

Free movies presented by the Somerville Public Library. This week's feature is The Huntsman: Winter’s War. 

Zoning Board of Appeals

This is an open meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals. 

Somerville Housing Authority Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Housing Authority. 

241st Flag Raising

Gather at City Hall and march to Prospect Hill, where the first American Flag was flown. Once at Prospect Hill. learn about the important role our city played in the American Revolution. Also join us in patriotic songs and enjoy light refreshments. 

Somerville Council on Aging Weekly Arts & Crafts Group

Join us as we learn about a wide range of arts & crafts from weaving to watercolor pencils. We will also be sharing with each other various arts & crafts that we might already do on our own such as needlepoint and knitting.

Powderhouse Studios Innovation Plan Committee Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Powderhouse Studios Innovation Plan Committee. 

Fair Housing Commission Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Fair Housing Commission. 

Somerville Council on Aging Weekly Arts & Crafts Group

Join us as we learn about a wide range of arts & crafts from weaving to watercolor pencils. We will also be sharing with each other various arts & crafts that we might already do on our own such as needlepoint and knitting.

Cinemas @ Central

Free movies presented by the Somerville Public Library. This week's feature is The Shallows. 

Pathways of Recovery

This meeting is for individuals impacted by addiction, people who are supporting them and Recovery Coaches. So whether you are just starting your path to recovery or have been in recovery and would like to support others please join us.

Somerville Retirement Board Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Retirement Board. 

Somerville Commission for Women Meeting

Join us for the December meeting of the Somerville Commission for Women. The meeting will have time allotted for informal discussion between current Commissioners and those interested in the work of the Commission.

Historic Preservation Commission Meeting

This is an open meeting of the Historic Reservation Commission. 

Bicycle Committee Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Bicycle Committee Meeting.

Somerville High School Building Commission
Reminiscing Group

Come join the Reminiscing Group as we go back in time. 

Condominium Review Board Meeting

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