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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 15, 2025

CANCELED: Somerville Historic Preservation Commission Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission.

Powderhouse Studios Innovation Plan Committee Meeting

This is an open meeting of the Powderhouse Studios Innovation Plan Committee.

Somerville Retirement Board Meeting

This is an open meeting of the Somerville Retirement Board. 

Beyond the Pattern Fashion Show Planning Meeting

Beyond the Pattern is SOS's annual show of fashion and wearable art, returning on May 4, 2017 after a year's hiatus.

Board of Library Trustees Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Board of Library Trustees meeting. 

Municipal Compensation Advisory Board Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Municipal Compensation Advisory Board. 

Conservation Commission Meeting

Public meeting of the Conservation Commission

Somerville Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting

This is an open meeting of the Bicycle Advisory Committee.

Condo Review Board Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Condo Review Board. 

Somerville Historic Preservation Commission

This is a special public meeting of the Historic Preservation Society. This meeting will tour those properties which are candidates for the Commission’s 2017 Awards Program. The tour will begin and end at 34 Josephine Avenue. A complete list of properties is attached.

Book Club - The Orphan Train

Everyone is welcome to join the Somerville Council on Aging Book Club. See flyer for more details. 

Somerville Council on Aging Breakfast Series

Judy Gertler and Pat McMillen will be bringing the message of the Senior Medicare Patrol Program on how to avoid becoming a victim of healthcare errors, fraud and abuse.

Planning Board

A public hearing for all interested parties will be held by the Planning Board.

Live Registration for 2017 Somerville Open Studios

Calling all Somerville visuals artists who prefer in-person to online registrations! Learn more about and register for this year's Somerville Open Studios with SOS Coordinator Ellie Laramie-Byers!

Somerville Redevelopment Authority Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Redevelopment Authority.

Student Health Survey Results Presentation

Be part of a fun and interactive experience learning about the results of the 2016 Student Health Survey taken by Somerville High School Students.  Get to know the results first hand and be the first to give ideas on how to enhance the youth programming around prevention around the City of Somerville.

Traffic Commission Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Traffic Commission. 

Board of Health Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Board of Health. 

Board of Assessors Meeting

Public meeting of the Board of Assessors

2017 Somerville Open Studios Volunteer Meeting

Join us to learn about upcoming details for volunteer opportunities—including the opportunity to apply for the Volunteer Coordinator position!— with Somerville Open Studios 2017. We will also be discussing details for the 2017 Volunteer Photo Shoot to be featured in this years map book.

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