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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 17, 2025

Commission on Energy Use and Climate Change Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Commission on Energy Use and Climate Change.

Film Screening: "50/50: Rethinking the Past, Present, and Future of Women + Power"

The Somerville Commission for Women will join thousands of other groups around the world to host a screening of 50/50: Rethinking the Past, Present, and Future of Women + Power on Wed., May 10. The 20-minute film is meant to spark a discussion among attendees about issues of gender equality and how our community can work toward gender parity.

POSTPONED: West Branch Library Community Meeting

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the West Branch Library Visioning meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 10, has been postponed.  Information on an alternate date will be shared as soon as available. We look forward to continuing our discussion about renovations to the West Branch Library and hearing your feedback at that time.

Somerville Housing Authority Meeting

Public meeting of the Somerville Housing Authority

Info Session & Pizza Party: Help Needed to Spread the Word About Annual Youth Count

The Somerville Housing Department is calling on members of the community to help spread the word about this year’s annual survey of youth who do not have a stable place to live. The Youth Count is an effort to gain a clearer understanding of the housing status and story of youth without a stable place to stay on any given night in Somerville and Arlington. 

Metro Boston Homeland Security Region Communications Interoperability Subcommittee Working Group

Public meeting of a regional group with participants and topics of discussion that relate to the metro Boston region

Conservation Commission Meeting

Public meeting of the Conservation Commission

Somerville Commission for Persons with Disabilities Meeting

Public meeting of the Somerville Commission for Persons with Disabilities

Board of Election Commissioners: Annual Meeting

Annual public meeting of the Board of Election Commissioners

Mother’s Day Super Bingo

$10.00 Price Includes: Lunch, Coffee, Dessert Cards & Prizes. Come and have a fun filled day!

Somerville Municipal Scholarship Committee Meeting

Public meeting of the Somerville Municipal Scholarship Committee.

Dog Complaint Public Hearing

Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 140 Section 157, the Somerville Police Department will be conducting a public hearing on a dog complaint to determine whether a dog is a nuisance or dangerous dog, in accordance with Section 157 or other applicable law. Said canine named “Poppy” is owned by Maria Shik and housed at 39 Florence Street, Apt 1, Somerville, MA.

Council on Aging: Gentle Movement Workshop

Contemporary dance artist Heather Stewart will lead a gentle movement workshop. During the class, we will listen to music and explore personal movement expression through improvisation, stretching, and breath work. We will use the body and breath as tools to help balance all facets of your wellbeing. Open to all levels of movement experience!

Cinema Somerville Film Festival

The City of Somerville, in collaboration with the Somerville Arts Council and the Somerville Media Center, present this year’s “Cinema Somerville” short film festival featuring short films about Somerville.

Somerville Historic Preservation Commission Meeting

The Somerville Historic Preservation Commission (SHPC) shall hold a Public Hearing concerning buildings which have been determined ‘preferably preserved’. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss alternatives to the full demolition of the house at 57 Broadway.

Planning Board Meeting

Public meeting of the Planning Board

(No Somerville Redevelopment Authority Meeting Today - Next is 6/8/17)

Please note that there will not be a May 4th meeting of the SRA. The next meeting of the SRA will be held on June 8, 2017.

Somerville's Children of the World

Exhibit Reception - Photographs by Randi Freundlich, and photographs by youth from The Welcome Project

Stop by and say hello! Light refreshments with Mayor Joe Curtatone and others

Board of Assessors Meeting

Public meeting of the Board of Assessors

Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting

This is a public meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

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