This is a public meeting of the Board of Health.
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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 17, 2025

Preservation Planner Kristi Chase, Reference Librarian Kevin O’Kelly and Archivist Nadia Dixson will discuss the different resources that can help you research the
histories of your house and family.

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission.

As a continuation of our last neighborhood planning meeting on the topic of design and character, our staff wants to walk with you through Davis Square to observe and discuss design elements of existing buildings. This will require daylight, so we're scheduling three different time slots earlier in the day, on three different days.

A fun, safe, social group to discuss women’s issues and growing older. Come meet new friends, reminisce, discuss any and all issues regarding woman and our role in the world today!

This is a public meeting of the Somerville Licensing Commission.
Public meeting of the Somerville High School Building Committee. Learn more at

Join us for a fascinating discussion event with historian Ed Gordon.

Join us for the kickoff to Somerville’s May Preservation Month — with a leisurely stroll through the area recently dubbed as "Innovation Row." See how a formerly industrial area is transforming into a mixed-use neighborhood. Residents and business owners, current and former, get together to tell stories about the community, explore the area, and connect with neighbors.
The City of Somerville’s Styrofoam Recycling program will return for all Somerville residents on Saturday, May 13, 2017. Residents may visit the Department of Public Works yard, located at 1 Franey Rd., between 9 a.m. and noon to dispose of all types of EPS (Styrofoam) foam packing materials, including foam bracing and packing peanuts.
Help to conserve water and protect the environment by saving rainwater! Rainwater barrels are now available to order and can be picked up at this event. The deadline for ordering a rain barrel is Saturday, May 6th at 5 p.m.
Somerville youth aged 12-18 are welcome to an open audition for the 2017 Somerville Sunsetters. Click on the flyer for more information.

As a continuation of our last neighborhood planning meeting on the topic of design and character, our staff wants to walk with you through Davis Square to observe and discuss design elements of existing buildings. This will require daylight, so we're scheduling three different time slots earlier in the day, on three different days.

Local artist Jodi Colella will be at the Cross Street Center’s Arts & Crafts Group sharing her creativity.
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