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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 23, 2025

Film: Mission Hill and the Miracle of Boston

The story of what happened to Mission Hill is the story of many of
America's older ethnic neighborhoods. Seventy years ago, Mission Hill
was an Irish neighborhood of homes and small stores in which people
lived near their schools, their church, and their shopping area. But
between 1940 and 1980 it changed: thousands of units of public housing

Somerville Redevelopment Authority Meeting

Public Meeting

Fair Housing Commission

Public Meeting

Somerville Housing Authority

Board Meeting

Meet, Mingle, Read: The Boston Mob Guide: Hit Men, Hoodlums & Hideouts

The Director’s “Meet, Mingle, Read” series continues! Join us in
welcoming authors Beverly Ford and Stephanie Schorow who will discuss
their new book, The Boston Mob Guide: Hit Men, Hoodlums & Hideouts (History Press).

Somerville Housing Authority

Public Meeting

Zoning Board of Appeals (Cancelled)
Library Board of Trustees

Public Meeting

Movie: Journey to the Center of the Earth

Join us for monthly movies on half day Wednesdays! December's movie is Journey to the Center of the Earth.

2008; Starring Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson, Anita Briem, Seth Meyers, & Jean Michel Paré; Rated PG; 92 minutes

Preschool Storytime
Book Group for Kids

Kids age 9-12 are invited to discuss A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens, the classic story of how heartless miser Ebenezer
Scrooge learns the true meaning of Christmas when three ghostly visitors
review his past and foretell his future.

Historic Preservation Commission

Public Meeting

Commission for Person with Disabilities

Public Meeting


Classes are free, and registration is not required.
There is no waiting list — just come!

This is the final class before the winter break. Class will start again on January 10th.

ESL Session 2

Classes are free, and registration is not required. There is no waiting list — just come!

This is the final class before the winter break. Classes will start again on January 9th.

Commission on Energy Use and Climate Change

Public Meeting

ESL Session 1

Classes are free, and registration is not required. There is no waiting list — just come!

This is the final class before the winter break. Classes will start again on January 9th.

Sing Along with Jordan Voelker

Join Somerville resident and library favorite Jordan Voelker for a
sing along! Jordan's sing alongs are suitable for children through
preschool, caregivers, and families.

This free program is funded by the Friends of the Library and all are welcome.

Make 3D Paper Snowflakes

Do you want to learn how to make beautiful 3D paper snowflakes? Thy
Toeum will show you how! This free program is open to anyone age 10 and
older. We hope you can come!


Sociologist and lifelong Beatle fan Candy Leonard will present the
findings of her research with first-generation Beatle fans. Drawing on
sociology, child development, cultural history, and media studies,
Leonard's unique analysis of Beatlemania and its ongoing impact will
engage and delight you.

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