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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Mar 26, 2025

Movie: King Kong

Join us for monthly movies on half day Wednesdays! January's movie is King Kong.

Starring Naomi Watts, Jack Black, Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann,
Colin Hanks, Andy Serkis, Evan Parke, & Jamie Bell; Rated PG-13; 187


Babygarten is an educational program for caregivers and their babies
from birth to 18 months. The classes involve songs and rhymes that help
babies with language acquisition and pre-literacy skills, and provide
an environment that nurtures and stimulates children with a wide variety
of experiences. Babygarten is free, and is brought to you by the

East Somerville Community School Public Meeting

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Superintendent of Schools Tony Pierantozzi, Ward 1 Alderman Bill Roche and Ward 1 School Committee Representative Maureen Bastardi invite all interested community members to one of two public meetings on the
East Somerville

Dog Owners' Task Force

Public Meeting


Classes are free, and registration is not required.
There is no waiting list — just come!

Somerville Commission for Persons With Disabilities Meeting

Public Meeting

Preschool Storytime

Please note: The West Branch Library is not wheelchair accessible.

ESL Session 2

Classes are free, and registration is not required.
There is no waiting list — just come!

Chess Night

Players of all ages and abilities are invited to Chess Night. Players
should be familiar with the game, though some limited instruction may be

Human Rights Commission

Public Meeting of

ESL Session 1

Classes are free, and registration is not required.
There is no waiting list — just come!

Sing Along with Liza Kitchell

Join Somerville resident and Library favorite Liza Kitchell for a
sing along! Liza's sing alongs are suitable for children through
preschool, caregivers, and families.

This free program is funded by the Friends of the Library and all are welcome.

Constellations Poetry Reading

Constellations is a new print literary journal based in the Cambridge/Boston area, featuring poetry and short fiction.

Storytime for 2 year olds
Board of Assessors

Public Meeting

Storytime for 3 to 5 year olds
Book Group: Mystery

Discuss Witches' Bane by Susan Wittig Albert.

New members are welcome!

Preschool Storytime
2012 Inaugural Ceremony

New Year's Day-Celebrated

All City office are closed.

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