Public meeting of a regional group with participants and topics of discussion that relate to the metro Boston region.
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US) +1 502-518-3083
PIN: 910 643 049#
Public meeting of a regional group with participants and topics of discussion that relate to the metro Boston region.
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US) +1 502-518-3083
PIN: 910 643 049#
This class will be held on Wednesdays from 10-12 (from March 3-June 2) on Zoom and is for adults who are interested in improving their English skills in order to apply for US citizenship. Registration is required:
Public meeting of the Conservation Commission. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Public meeting of the Equity, Gender, Families and Vulnerable Populations. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Public meeting of the Memorialization Committee. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
This is a public meeting of the Urban Design Commission. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Public meeting of a regional group with participants and topics of discussion that relate to the metro Boston region.
Remote participation only via Google Meet:
Meeting ID
Phone Number
(US) +1 515-884-8194
PIN: 934 478 311#
Ageless Grace is a fitness and wellness program consisting of 21 simple exercise tools designed for all ages and abilities. These exercises, based on everyday movements, focus on the healthy longevity of the body and mind.
Public meeting of the Rules Special Committee. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Public meeting of the Condominium Review Board. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Tune into “Kwen Sante” (“The Health Corner”) on UDH Radio, WNTN 1550 AM for a discussion on the COVID-19 vaccine with Alix Simeon from UDH Radio and Jhenny Saint-Surin, Somerville Office of Immigrant Affairs Haitian Creole Liaison.
Public meeting of the Pedestrian & Transit Advisory Committee. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Public meeting of the Board of Health. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Public meeting of the Legislative Matters Committee. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Public meeting of the Planning Board. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
The meeting will be held using GoToWebinar.
The Inclusionary Housing team is hosting weekly, recurring virtual office hours for the public to join and get questions answered, assistance with applications etc.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
The Somerville Board of Assessors Meeting will be held at City Hall in the Assessor's Office at 5:30pm.
This is a special meeting of the Somerville Licensing Commission. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Public meeting of the Urban Forestry Committee. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
Public meeting of a regional group with participants and topics of discussion that relate to the metro Boston region. The meeting will be held virtually in compliance with Governor Baker’s emergency orders regarding the Open Meeting Law.
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