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Local women, organization to be honored for service to women in Somerville


- The Somerville Commission for Women will celebrate its 25th Anniversary with
a special event to introduce the work of the commission and the active role of
commissioners in the community along with present the "Woman of Excellence
Award" and "Best Service Provider to Women Award" at the East
Somerville Community School from 6 to 8 p.m.
on March 19.


Somerville Health Department and the Office of Somerville Commissions announce
that this year's award recipient for "Woman of Excellence" by the
Somerville Commission for Women will be former Alderman-At-Large Helen Corrigan
who has contributed to the City as an Alderman, a member of the Board of
Health, and as a member of various Somerville nonprofit organizations. Helen
also served on the Board of Aldermen when City Ordinance created the Women's
Commission. The "Best Service Provider to Women" award recipient
is the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC).

will be presented at the reception honoring Women's History Month and the
Commission's Anniversary.  

"This is a time for us to remember all that past and
present commissioners have accomplished over the past 25 years, share current
projects, and work together to determine the next steps we can take as a
community," said Sonja Darai, Director of the Office of the Somerville

Women's History Month is celebrated in March, dating to
the first International Women's Day on March 26, 1911. In 1981, Congress
passed a resolution making Women's History Week a national holiday, and legally
expanded the observance to an entire month in 1987.

Past award winners include the CASPAR, Somerville
Community Partnership for Children (SCPC), Police Department Family Services
Division, Special Education advocate Debbie Higgins, and affordable housing
advocate Mary Louise Daly, Librarian Marylin Eastwood, among others.

For more information, contact Office of Somerville
Commissions Director Sonja Darai at 617-625-6600 ext. 2406, or


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