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Popular City afghans have been redesigned, depict various historic sites in Somerville.

SOMERVILLE - Looking for the
perfect holiday gift to show your Somerville
pride? Look no further! The City is now offering a brand new, full color, and
machine washable afghan, that highlights many local historic landmarks and
events, including the Raid on the Powder House; the Round House; Somerville
High School, West Branch Library; Somerville Museum; and other special assets. The
afghan can be seen on the Historic Preservation Commission's website (
and on display at City Hall.



Afghans can be purchased for $65.00, with fifty percent considered
to be a tax deductible donation that will benefit City preservation projects
including the Historic Plaque Program, Preservation Awards Program, and
numerous heritage education projects. They are available for purchase by contacting
or visiting Somerville City Hall, 93 Highland Avenue. Checks should be made
payable to "City of Somerville- Historic Celebration Fund."  Afghans are also available at the Somerville
Museum, 1 Westwood Road (by appointment: 617-666-9810), and current Somerville
Museum members are eligible for a 10% discount.



For more information, contact the Mayor's Office of
Strategic Planning and Community Development at 617-625-6600 x2525 or x2532.


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