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City Seeks Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Assessment Grant



The City of Somerville is responding to a call for grant
proposals from the EPA. Application will be made to the EPA Brownfield Grant
Program. The City is seeking a total of $200,000 in funding to use toward a
citywide assessment of brownfield issues.



For more information, or to comment on the grant
application, please contact Amanda Maher, Economic Development Specialist, by
mail at the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, City Hall,
93 Highland Avenue, Somerville, MA 02143; by phone at (617) 625-6600  X2528; or by email at



All comments should be filed by Monday, January 16, 2014.




Please submit website feedback using this form. Be sure to include:

A description of the issue (if any)
A link to the affected pages

Thank you for your feedback!