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City Offers 0% APR Loans to Bring Homes to Code

City Offers 0% APR Loans to Bring Homes to Code

Would you like to make improvements to your home, but lack the funds necessary to make those improvements? Does your home have code violations that are in need of repair? Do you need your roofing or porch replaced? If so, the City of Somerville is here to help.

The City of Somerville offers zero interest loans to bring your property up to current code requirements. The Housing rehab program can provide the funds you need through Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) provided by the federal agency Housing & Urban Development (HUD). The goal of the program is to provide safe, healthy, and affordable housing to income eligible clients.

The City of Somerville also has a Heating System Replacement Program, which offers up to forty five hundred dollars, ($4,500.00) of forgivable funding for the replacement of old and inefficient boilers/furnaces. Along with rebates available through the MassSave program, you may be able to replace your inefficient heating system at a fraction of the cost. This is a terrific program to take advantage of for income eligible property owners. After the terrible winter we experienced this year, why not plan to be nice and warm next year by taking advantage of this great program.

Funding for these improvements is currently available. You can also visit our website.

Please contact me by phone, 617-625-6600 Ex 2569, or by e-mail,, for additional information.


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