Apply: Sustainable Neighborhoods Group
Apply to Serve on Sustainable Neighborhoods Working Group
The City is seeking committed individuals with a broad range of expertise and experience to serve on the new Sustainable Neighborhoods Working Group, part of Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone’s comprehensive approach to meeting the housing affordability needs of residents and families in Somerville.
The Working Group will research affordability efforts underway in other cities and towns, as well as explore new, innovative ideas that can address the issue of housing affordability. Interested community members should submit a short statement detailing their interest and applicable skills and knowledge along with a current resume (if available) to Kelly Donato, Somerville Housing Division Director of Special Projects. Please email or mail information to Kelly Donato, Housing Division, City Hall Annex, 50 Evergreen Ave., Somerville, MA 02145. Please include your contact information including your phone number and e-mail address. The deadline for applications is Friday, Nov. 7.
The Working Group will submit specific recommendations in spring 2015 on proposals set forth by Mayor Curtatone, such as expanding the City’s inclusionary zoning ordinance, and will have the opportunity to generate additional proposals and recommendations on its own that build on the Mayor’s initiative. These recommendations will include ways to protect and preserve the affordable housing already in the city, expand the City’s resources to create more along with expanding services to low-income households, and broaden the City’s efforts to include middle-income housing for working families. The group will be co-chaired by Ward 5 Alderman Mark Niedergang, chairman of the Board of Aldermen’s Housing and Community Development Committee.
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